Relativity between moving masses can be a dilemma to many people.
The confusion comes from Eisntein 1st Relativity postulate,which says: The velocity of light is unchanging irespective of the velocity of the source.
The velocity of light relative to the source is a relative velocity .
So relativity of two moving bodies follows the law of Galilean relativity,which is the difference between velocities.
Assuming that a source is moving at 1X10^8 m/sec relative to the zero point that its motion started(called frame of reference).
Assuming that the micromass of light particle is moving at the Speed of light = C ,relative to the same frame of reference as the the moving source.
The relativity between the source moving mass and the light particle moving mass would exist as follows;
C- Vs = Vr
Vr = the relative velocity betwen the source and the motion of the light particle.
C = the velocity of the light particle mass relative to the same zero point of frame reference that the source motion started.
Vs= The velocity of the moving mass source of light relative to the zero point of reference frame.
Notice the relative velocity of light is Vr.
Vr is less than the velocity of light. However the speed of light relative to the zero point of reference does not change.
To Avoid confusion ;Einteins relativity 1st postulate should have read as follows.
The average Speed of light relative ot a point in a local frame of reference is a constant ,if a source is moving relative to the same frame of reference ,the Speed of light becomes relative to the moving source.
in the case you have stated= a moving car is moving at 100 m/sec and than light are turned on whould the speed of light =C+100?
In reality the folowing actually occurs;
The relative velocity of light = C minus 100m/Sec,
( C-100 =Vr))
The velocity of light relative to the local frame of reference which is the road of the moving car,remains the same as C=3 x10^8 m/sec
The same rule applies to any mass whether its light mass particle or a bullet. The reason is because the Power causing a particular velocity to a mass in motion is invariant in local space.
Note ;Speed of light that was measured on Earth (local space)is an average speed. The reason is that we cannot measure instantaneous velocity .(see also Heinsenberg's Underterminency principle)