Positions on the Celsius or Fahrenheit scales
Distances on the Celsius or Fahrenheit scales
are not the same thing.
Boston is 200 miles from New York City.
Hartford is 100 miles from New York.
Does Boston minus Hartford equal Hartford?
And what if we measure from Los Angeles? Would Boston minus Hartford still equal Hartford then?
(for simplicity, assume these cities are all in a straight line.)
The Celsius-Fahrenheit conversion that you know is equivalent to converting "miles from New York" to "km from Los Angeles." The two scales not only use units of different size, they also measure from different "zero" locations.
The distance between Hartford and Boston is 100 miles.
The distance between Hartford and Boston is 160 km, because 100 miles is the same as 160 km.
So Hartford is also 160 km from New York; but neither scale is measuring km from New York! Hartford is not 160 km from Los Angeles.
The distance between 160°C and 180°C is the same as the distance between 0°C and 20°C.
Or in Fahrenheit: the distance between 320°F and 356°F is the same as the distance between 32°F and 68°F.
But there's no reason that distance should be 68°F.