I second Richard B's compliment to your sense of asking the right questions, and not just blithely plodding along, accepting a bunch of equations without attempting to understand them.
And unlike Richard, I fairly sailed through vector algebra and vector calculus, except for a significant stumble over the treatment of alternating differential forms. But I cleared that up a few years later, in a different course. Luckily, your problem here doesn't require anything greatly complex or hairy as those.
When "properly" written, that equation you quote is
v =ω xr
where each of those three quantities is a vector. If you haven't dealt with vector algebra, and cross- and dot-products of vectors in particular, all you need to know is that the magnitude of both sides of that equation gives:
v = ω r sinθ
where v, ω, and r, are magnitudes of the above vectors, and so, are always non-negative.
And that θ is the angle between the vectorsω andr, and so is always between 0º and 180º inclusive, so that the sine is always non-negative.
Now the vectorω is defined in a way that will seem strange at first, but bear with me. If you picture whatever is turning, and you position the fingers of your right hand together in a 'curl,' with the thumb pointing out to the side, then just place your curled fingers so that they point in the direction of the rotation. Your thumb then points perpendicular to the plane of that rotation, in the direction of the vectorω. For circular motion, that will be always perpendicular to the radius vector,r, whenr is taken with the center of rotation as its origin. And in that case, θ is always ½π, and sinθ=1.
And that's where
v = ω r
comes from.