To speak on the cientifica nature of the Interstellar System, and to argue questions as, the nebulas I contend billions of stars representing clouds and electron-stars (or better, saying: plasmáticos crystals). It is necessary to leave well clearly that in these regions the set of the biggest substance distributed in the “Universe” exists. E how much to the theories created for the astrophysical astronomers and, who still nowadays interpret the Sun as stars, some factors indicate that they had been and still they are deluded by the nuclear physics that has as autonomy, to satisfy its research as rules of the atomic nucleus that has its intent energies. With this false interpretation the astrophysical astronomers and, ignore the different types of clouds electron-stars with theories that satisfy its requirements. Example of the names: Galaxies, quasares, By Láctea, nebula of Andrômeda, supernew, misty spirals etc, etc, etc.