Don't expect flying cars. Not because they are impossible, but
it is just too impractical for all those millions of individuals to be
flying around in all directions at once, like in the film 'The Fifth
Element'. But we won't need them, because what we will have
will be so much better!
Here's a few things to expect (some in the very far future, some
not quite so far off):
Eventually there won't even be a need for cell phones. You will
have a brain implant that allows you to connect to anyone just by
thinking of them. This will be made possible by computer chips
that connect living tissue to computers. Hopefully, having the
chip implanted will be your choice, but it may become mandatory
by the government for 'security' reasons.
This will also allow you to create and experience artificial environments like the 'holo-deck' from Star Trek, just by thinking
about them.
Advances in our understanding of quantum mechanics and the
interconnection of space through higher dimensions, will allow us
to have true transporters that allow instantaneous travel from any
point to any other. This will also allow us to eventually travel between
planets and other stars, making the whole universe accessible without
the need for spaceships.
The internet will be free for everyone, and connect you to everyone
and everything you need for daily life: TV, communication, shopping
and merchants, banks, etc.
There won't be any more cash money. All financial transactions will
be electronic transfers and instant, provided once again by a chip
implanted in your body.
All TV and communication will be 3-D.
Computers will be contained in every device, and every home will
come equipped with a master computer that runs the household by
voice or thought command. Stand alone computers will no longer
exist as we know them, but rather as disposable sheets of paper
that are used once and tossed away. There will no longer be a need
for printed books or newspapers, as all human knowledge will be
accessible via one central giant database. For the same reason,
CDs, DVDs, iPods and most other 'hard' portable data devices will no longer be needed.
There will be a major advance in the area of 'programmable matter',
which will take electronic nano-materials and apply them to a surface.
By applying the correct electrical charge to these materials, you can
change their chemical and physical properties to anything desired.
Applied to the surface of a home, you will be able to flip a switch and
turn a solid wall into a clear window. Or change the color of the house.
Because you will not just be changing the appearance of things, but
their electronic structure, they will take on all the properties of that material: thus you could turn a soft rubber sheet into an impenetrable
solid wall, or a cheap iron block into having all the properties of gold.
In medicine, artificial organs will be "printed" using a large inkjet type
printer device, that will use undifferentiated living cells to print instead
of ink. (this device already exists!)
You will be able to print a new heart valve, or skin, that exactly matches the DNA of the person who needs it.
These are just a few things we could see. And the most amazing part
is that all of these already exist in primitive form and are currently being worked on.
Hopefully, we will be able to avoid destroying ourselves long enough
for these technologies to become fully realized. Unfortunately, military technology is also improving all the time, giving us new and
better ways to kill each other~