"Does Maxwell's Equation independently show that the speed of light is constant for all observers?"
Yes. c = 1 / sqrt( permittivity of free space * permeability of free space)
Nature provides the values of the constants.
"I have been on a debate with a guy who says Maxwell's equation alone shows the speed of light is constant."
"I want to know the truth."
Try Religion, since Science is NOT about "Truth". All we have is what Nature shows us.
"In maxwells time, they believed in Galeilian relativity. In that case the speed of light is only calculated from our own frame. Assuming that, an object moving will emit light with a velocity of the object + velocity of light. In that case the speed of light is variant during maxwells time"
False. Maxwell's equations were written around an aether. Once the formulation was completed, the "aether-dependent" terms had fallen out. But he / they fully expected a constant light speed.
Keep in mind, the speed of light had been measured at least three different times by then (1865 when he published it):
"But it has been made into a constant after a lot of experiments and deriving lorentz transformations. I leave that"
It was not "made constant", Experiment showed it *is* constant.
"So my question is, without lorentz transformation (without preassuming any constants) is the speed of light constant?"
Only because Nature shows it to be so.