Well, I'm kind of trying to picture what you're talking about too, but I'm thinking that if you're trying to use metal, that's no insulator, that's a conductor (of heat).
So you're trying to protect the case by keeping it cool?
If you just need a sturdy material even tho it is metal, then use molybdenum. But it is fairly expensive. Another suggestion I saw was steel...that might work.
If you can get a hollow tube of 'moly' you can run the coils thru it, and then the gap betwen it and the case you can fill with sand. That should work fine.
Places like McMaster-Carr have all kinds of materials, and it is a fairly ubiquitous company that you may be able to order things from, if that's an option for you.
Believe it or not, you may be able to find useful things at a junk yard. Depending on how old you are you may need someone to go with you, but they have tons of 'stuff'. But you may want to call them first and tell them what you have in mind.
Stop at a Home Depot or Lowes and look around, and don't forget that there are various plastics and rubber materials now that can withstand a great deal of heat. In fact McMaster-Carr sells various size heating pad products that you can plug in and they get quite hot. They are flexible and I don't think they are terribly expensive.
A plumbing supply place may also be a resource you could try for things like this.
I'm realy shooting in the dark, but maybe something here will be helpful to you.