How does teleportation work?
2008-03-31 17:11:32 UTC
Quantum physicists have built and successfully tested a device that could "teleport" a series of particles. In plain language (ie. as you would explain to a child) how does this work exactly? Imagine the applications for Data transfer!

Would this also mean that it is now possible to send a data stream from a distant spacecraft without any time lag?
Eighteen answers:
Star G
2008-03-31 17:35:53 UTC
It's not teleportation like most people think. They didn't acctually teleport the particles. It is confined to fairly narrow circumstances, and would not allow transmission over long distances.

Their feat was solid-particle quantum teleportation, which doesn’t transport matter itself but instead transmits the quantum state of a single atom to another atom without a direct link between the two. This, experts say, is a breakthrough in the march toward the first quantum computer, a still theoretical machine that could take seconds to crunch the same numbers that today’s best processors chew on for years.

Quantum teleportation—the instant transmission of information—is conducted through a

phenomenon called entanglement, the mysterious connection between paired particles in which a change in one particle instantly causes the same change in the other, regardless of the distance between them. The experiments, which took place at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Boulder, Colorado, and at the University of Innsbruck in Austria, used three ions and one set of entangled

particles to transfer the quantum state of the first ion to the third with help from the second.

Scientists at the California Institute of Technology demonstrated quantum teleportation of light photons several years ago, but this is the first time solid matter has been beamed. The latest success is “a major step forward,” says Carl Williams, chief of NIST’s atomic physics division. The end result—in perhaps 25 years, Williams says—might be a new type of computer that replaces traditional binary bits (1’s and 0’s) with quantum bits, or qubits, which would transmit and process data using entanglement instead of circuits. A mere 80 entangled qubits will pack an impossible 151 trillion gigabytes of processing power—roughly correlated, 2.3 trillion times more than today’s best 64-bit architecture.
Catch 22
2008-04-01 00:38:34 UTC
If I'm not too outdated what was achieved was the teleportation of a photon. A photon was destroyed somewhere in the lab, and some distance away, faster than the speed of light (if I'm not mistaken), a photon with the exact same physical characteristics was created. In quantum mechanics this amounts to have an entagled system with two photons that you separate macroscopically but whose entanglement you mantain (so that what you measure in one is related to what you can measure in the other). In quantum mechanics, it's not such big a deal. Other, weirder events happen on a routine basis.

Wait until they do it with an electron or a whole atom. Then you can crack open the champagne. By the way, if you're interested, quantum computing is a very active research field today.
Bob P
2008-04-01 00:28:12 UTC
I read about this experiment a few years ago. Whilst the only rational explanation is teleportation, the "uncertainty principle" gets in the way!

There are other explanations, some of which make themselves apparent in Hawkins' hypotheses on Unification Theory.

However, so saying, it is entirely possible that space-time warps could provide an answer. Forget about "X" Powers! The energy needed for such phenomena exceeds ALL the power yet generated by mankind and all the power we are likely to be able to generate in the foreseeable future.
Frista L
2008-04-01 01:24:53 UTC
Quantum teleportation (QT) is not what you are thinking. There have been a number of experiments demonstrating QT. So far, to my knowledge, teleportation experiments have involved photons, ions, and large groups of atoms in a cavity. But what people fail to realize, is what is actually being teleported. It is not photons or ions themselves, but instead, it is the state of a photon or an ion. So let me explain the ion experiments, since I know those more intimately. I will do it using as little quantum as I can, but since it is QUANTUM teleportation, obviously I need to use some quantum mechanics.

Ions are just atoms with one less (or more) electron, so they have a charge. An ion, like an atom, has different energy states that it can be in. By shining lasers or microwaves at an ion, you can make it change from one energy state to another. So let's say there are two possible states for a given ion, A or B. In quantum mechanics, we can have what is called superposition of states, which means an ion can be in both A AND B at the same time. In fact, it can be in varying amount of A or B. So it can be 37% A and 63% B. Exactly what state that ion is in is what we will teleport. So we will have an ion in state 37% A, 63% B and another ion in a different state at a different location, and when we are done, the second ion will be in the state 37% A, 63% B. That is what QT is, you teleport the state of the ion, not the ion itself. You had to have two identical ions, one in the starting location and one in the ending location before you can teleport (though they need not be in the same states). So how do we do QT?

We actually need three ions. Ion one will be the ion in the state we want to teleport to ion three. What we first do is take ions 2 and 3, and we do what is called an entangling operation. What this does is it puts the two ions in a special state where the energy state of the 2nd ion depends and is temporarily linked to the state of the 3rd ion. Specifically, if the 2nd ion is in state A, the third ion will also be in A. Or they will both be in state B. But you can never have the 2nd ion in state A and the 3rd in B, or vis-versa, after this entangling operation.

Now, I take the 2nd ion and send it to where ever the 1st ion is, and I take the 3rd ion and send it to where ever I want to teleport. I take the 1st and 2nd ions and I do a special measurement on both of them. This is called a Bell measurement, but what it does is it entangles the two ions (similar to before), but then it also measures the two ions. So now I have made the 1st ion and the 2nd ion's states entangled, which entangles the 1st and 3rd ions, since the 2nd ion was already entangled to the 3rd. And I can do this without interacting directly with the 3rd ion.

There is some quantum funkyness that happens when you measure a state, which I will gloss over here, since you wanted a simple explanation. The net result is that when you measure the 1st and 2nd ions, the 3rd ion will be projected into one of four states. One of the states will be the desired state, namely 37% A, 63% B, while the other three will be closely related, but not to but different from the desired state. Which state the 3rd ion is forced into will depend on the outcome of your measurements on the other two ions. And, as it turns out, it is easy to put the 3rd ion into the desired state by shining your lasers on it for lengths of time that vary depending on the what the 1st ion and the 2nd ion was measured as. So you simply call up the guys who have the third ion, and tell them what you got for your measurement results, and they can shine the lasers for the appropriate amount of time to get the 3rd ion into the correct state. And you have teleported the state of the first ion to the third ion.

So, you might wonder, why did you not just measure the 1st ion and then tell the people with the third ion what you measured, and just have them put the 3rd ion in the right state, completely ignoring the 2nd ion? Well, the thing about quantum states is that if you measure them, you will never get the information about the exact state and you destroy the state in the process. This is very intrinsic to quantum mechanics and is something you can't get around. So you could never measure the state of the 1st ion perfectly, and you could never transport the information that way. In the QT protocol I went through above, however, you get around this issue by using entanglement, to send the whole state perfectly. Furthermore, you never needed to know the state of the 1st ion, so it could be any state, even a secret state. There are significant cryptography uses for this type of operation, since it allows you to transfer data without knowing what the data is.

Now, how fast is this protocol? Can we use it to send information instantaneously? Well, no. First off, remember that the 2nd and 3rd ions had to interact with each other. So there needs to be some time for getting the 2nd ion from the 3rd ion's location to the 1st ions location. This can't happen faster than the speed of light. (If you used photons instead of ions, it would be at the speed of light, but still not faster than the speed of light). Of course, you could have done that step of the procedure well beforehand, if you wanted to. But you can't get around the fact that the person who did the measurement on the 1st ion had to call the person who has the 3rd ion. And that call can only go as fast as the speed of light! So teleportation would not allow data transfer faster than light. Many people confuse this point because the collapse/projection of the 3rd ion occurs instantaneously when the 2nd and 1st ions are measured, but the 3rd ion is not in the correct state until the information about the measurements can be used to put it in the correct state.

So that is how QT works. It is not instantaneous. The photon experiments and atom in a cavity experiments work exactly the same way, just with a different type of state and system. No matter has ever been teleported. In theory, matter is also a quantum state, so it could be teleported if we could figure out how to control it in a quantum sense. But we are a long long way from being able to do something like that. Maybe in a few hundred years we will be able to do Star Trek style teleportation. But it also may never be possible. Teleporting the state of an ion is no where near as complicated as teleporting a person.
2008-04-01 17:45:13 UTC
string theory has nothing to do with this. what are people talking about? and why are they copying and pasting articles on string theory into a teleportation question. weird.

and relativity is not just for massless particles. it is for everything. photons have no mass and it works for them. in fact relativity works for information which is an abstract object with no mass. that is why einstein had such problems with quantum mechanics, until he realized it doesn't allow for faster then light transfer of information.
2008-04-01 00:16:29 UTC
I think it works by bending two points in space so that the object travels from one to the other instantly. Just as if you were to draw two dots, 1 on each end of a piece of paper. You could draw a line to connect them, or you could bend the paper so that they are touching. But it may be a while before we are capable of teleporting, or jumping large objects, or even people.
2008-04-01 00:25:16 UTC
Well, teleportation was developed in 1902 by some obscure and underfunded professor...

He found that by falling asleep in the back of a carriage, he could sometimes wake to find himself "teleported" into the next town...

To this day his methods, though modified are used by drunks and hobos everywhere...
2008-04-01 00:40:33 UTC

HA it doesn't work. It is impossible teleport something. Give us your source, I am very interested to read such a bogus claim.

Let me tell you something, there are some things that people can and might be capable of creating.... A teleportation device is not one of those things.
2008-04-01 02:18:10 UTC
hmm well above my simple brain. However, I have heard, read and believe in the mind's ability to transport itself to other places. Re: Remote Viewing, as Government research and use for espionage.

If I cannot understand the teleportation as your describing, I would not be able to explain it.

I can see it being possible, and happening, but understanding it to be able to explain it is not available to me.
Anti theist
2008-04-01 00:18:22 UTC
No, and no

Not possible to explain in less than a week

And as far as i know the speed of light is as fast as it gets
2008-04-01 00:20:07 UTC
In theory you disintegrate the source into its constituent particles, store them in a computer, send the data to another computer that reconstitutes the original body.

In practice to transport living objects you have to effectively kill them and then reincarnate them.
blah blah blah
2008-04-01 00:17:34 UTC
isnt that to do with the time space continuum..or something?

not sure how to explain it bt i think there are a few different dimensions like parallel to our everyday lives. like the different possibilites of the routes we take?

anyways watch a film called Happy Accidents lol. thats about time travel

or you on about how Hiro teleports himself. he looks like hes constipated when he teleports but hes super cool :P
2008-04-01 00:42:31 UTC

This is how mathematicians thought of time travel. Amazing videos and amazing guy.


For all people to know, that guy is not me.
2008-04-01 00:19:45 UTC
Badly-so far
2008-04-01 00:19:45 UTC
Hold out your hands, count to ten, close your eyes...................

I'll be there in a minute or two!!
Phil P
2008-04-01 00:14:47 UTC
april fools? lol
2008-04-01 11:52:59 UTC
It is called string theory this may help in your quest

String theory

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String theory

Superstring theory [hide]Theory

String theory


Bosonic string theory

M-theory (simplified)

Type I string · Type II string

Heterotic string

String field theory

Holographic principle


Strings · Branes

Calabi–Yau manifold

Kac–Moody algebra


E8 Lie group

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Quantum gravity


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Interaction in the subatomic world: world lines of point-like particles in the Standard Model or a world sheet swept up by closed strings in string theoryString theory is an incomplete mathematical approach to theoretical physics, whose building blocks are one-dimensional extended objects called strings, rather than the zero-dimensional point particles that form the basis for the standard model of particle physics. By replacing the point-like particles with strings, an apparently consistent quantum theory of gravity emerges, which has not been achievable under quantum field theory. Usually, the term string theory includes a group of related superstring theories and a few related frameworks such as M-theory, which seeks to unite them all.

String theorists have not yet completely described these theories, or determined if or how these theories relate to the physical universe.[1] The elegance and flexibility of the approach, however, and a number of qualitative similarities with more traditional physical models, have led many physicists to suspect that such a connection is possible. In particular, string theory may be a way to "unify" the known natural forces (gravitational, electromagnetic, weak nuclear and strong nuclear) by describing them with the same set of equations, as described in the theory of everything. On the other hand, the models have been criticized for their inability, thus far, to provide any experimentally testable predictions.

Work on string theory is made difficult by the very complex mathematics involved, and the large number of forms that the theories can take depending on the arrangement of space and energy. Thus far, string theory strongly suggests the existence of ten or eleven (in M-theory)[2] spacetime dimensions, as opposed to the usual four (three spatial and one temporal) used in relativity theory; however, the theory can describe universes with four effective (observable) spacetime dimensions by a variety of methods.[3] The theories also appear to describe higher-dimensional objects than strings, called branes. Certain types of string theory have also been shown to be equivalent to certain types of more traditional gauge theory, and it is hoped that research in this direction will lead to new insights on quantum chromodynamics, the fundamental theory of the strong nuclear force.[4][5][6][7]

Contents [hide]

1 Overview

2 Basic properties

2.1 Worldsheet

2.2 Dualities

2.3 Extra dimensions

2.3.1 Number of dimensions

2.3.2 Compact dimensions

2.3.3 Brane-world scenario

2.3.4 Effect of the hidden dimensions

2.4 D-branes

2.5 Gauge Bosons and D-branes

3 Gauge-gravity duality

3.1 Description of the duality

3.2 Examples and intuition

3.3 Contact with experiment

4 Problems and controversy

5 History

6 Popular culture

7 See also

8 References

9 Further reading

9.1 Popular books and articles

9.2 Textbooks

10 External links

[edit] Overview

For more details on why it is hard to unite gravity and quantum physics, and on alternatives to string theory, see quantum gravity.

Matter is composed of atoms, which in turn are made from quarks and electrons. According to String theory, all such particles are actually tiny loops of vibrating string [8]. The idea behind all string theories is that each elementary "particle" is actually a string of a very small scale (possibly of the order of the Planck length) which vibrates at resonant frequencies specific to that type of particle.[9] Thus, any elementary particle should be thought of as a tiny vibrating object, rather than as a point. This object can vibrate in different modes (just as a guitar string can produce different notes), with every mode appearing as a different particle (electron, photon, etc.). Strings can split and combine, which would appear as particles emitting and absorbing other particles, presumably giving rise to the known interactions between particles.

Levels of magnification: Macroscopic level, molecular level, atomic level, subatomic level, string level.In addition to strings, this theory also includes objects of higher dimensions, such as D-branes and NS-branes. Furthermore, all string theories predict the existence of degrees of freedom which are usually described as extra dimensions. String theory is thought to include some 10, 11, or 26 dimensions, depending on the specific theory and on the point of view.

Interest in string theory is driven largely by the hope that it will prove to be a consistent theory of quantum gravity or even a theory of everything. It can also naturally describe interactions similar to electromagnetism and the other forces of nature. Superstring theories include fermions, the building blocks of matter, and incorporate supersymmetry, a conjectured (but unobserved) symmetry of nature. It is not yet known whether string theory will be able to describe a universe with the precise collection of forces and particles that is observed, nor how much freedom the theory allows to choose those details.

String theory as a whole has not yet made falsifiable predictions that would allow it to be experimentally tested, though various planned observations and experiments could confirm some essential aspects of the theory, such as supersymmetry and extra dimensions. In addition, the full theory is not yet understood. For example, the theory does not yet have a satisfactory definition outside of perturbation theory; the quantum mechanics of branes (higher dimensional objects than strings) is not understood; the behavior of string theory in cosmological settings (time-dependent backgrounds) is still being worked out; finally, the principle by which string theory selects its vacuum state is a hotly contested topic (see string theory landscape).

String theory is thought to be a certain limit of another, more fundamental theory — M-theory — which is only partly defined and is not well understood.[10]

[edit] Basic properties

String theory is formulated in terms of an action principle, either the Nambu-Goto action or the Polyakov action, which describes how strings move through space and time. Like springs with no external force applied, the strings tend to shrink, thus minimizing their potential energy, but conservation of energy prevents them from disappearing, and instead they oscillate. By applying the ideas of quantum mechanics to strings it is possible to deduce the different vibrational modes of strings, and that each vibrational state appears to be a different particle. The mass of each particle, and the fashion with which it can interact, are determined by the way the string vibrates — the string can vibrate in many different modes, just like a guitar string can produce different notes. The different modes, each corresponding to a different kind of particle, make up the "spectrum" of the theory.

Strings can split and combine, which would appear as particles emitting and absorbing other particles, presumably giving rise to the known interactions between particles.

String theory includes both open strings, which have two distinct endpoints, and closed strings, where the endpoints are joined to make a complete loop. The two types of string behave in slightly different ways, yielding two different spectra. For example, in most string theories, one of the closed string modes is the graviton, and one of the open string modes is the photon. Because the two ends of an open string can always meet and connect, forming a closed string, there are no string theories without closed strings.

The earliest string model — the bosonic string, which incorporated only bosons, describes — in low enough energies — a quantum gravity theory, which also includes (if open strings are incorporated as well) gauge fields such as the photon (or, more generally, any gauge theory). However, this model has problems. Most importantly, the theory has a fundamental instability, believed to result in the decay (at least partially) of space-time itself. Additionally, as the name implies, the spectrum of particles contains only bosons, particles which, like the photon, obey particular rules of behavior. Roughly speaking, bosons are the constituents of radiation, but not of matter, which is made of fermions. Investigating how a string theory may include fermions in its spectrum led to the invention of supersymmetry, a mathematical relation between bosons and fermions. String theories which include fermionic vibrations are now known as superstring theories; several different kinds have been described, but all are now thought to be different limits of M-theory.

While understanding the details of string and superstring theories requires considerable mathematical sophistication, some qualitative properties of quantum strings can be understood in a fairly intuitive fashion. For example, quantum strings have tension, much like regular strings made of twine; this tension is considered a fundamental parameter of the theory. The tension of a quantum string is closely related to its size. Consider a closed loop of string, left to move through space without external forces. Its tension will tend to contract it into a smaller and smaller loop. Classical intuition suggests that it might
2008-04-01 00:14:49 UTC
it doesn't

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.