Gravity is NOT CAUSED by the curvature of space time. FALSE PREMISES and CIRCULAR LOGIC. Gravity is caused by MASS,. and Earth has a LOT of mass.
Because the ACCELERATION of gravity on Earth is an average of 9.81 meters per second squared or 32 feet per second squared., but the curvature of the horizon is VERY VERY SMALL because Earth's radius and diameter is SO LARGE.. The Higher above the ground your eye level is, the more the curvature of the horizon but the DISTANCE TO the horizon is INCREASES. The horizon is about 3.1 miles away at ground levl. Earth is HUGE. compared to the hight of human being at ground level.. I could see the curvature of the horizon from Pikes Pead looking east when i was 20 or 11 years old, and i could see it from DC-# planes, but you HAVE to look closely. The curvature of the horizon is NOT OBVIOUS., because the Earth SO BIG in comparison to your eye level hight. not everyone is 6 feet
tall. My horizon will be closer to me than YOUR horizon probably will be because I less than 5 feet tall. At my
tallest was only 5/8 f inch over 5 feet...
"...For an observer on the ground with eye level at h = 5 ft 7 in (1.70 m), the horizon is at a distance of 2.9 miles (4.7 km). For an observer standing on a hill or tower 100 feet (30 m) in height, the horizon is at a distance of 12.2 miles (19.6 km)...."
When you trip and fall or fall down a flight of stirs you are falling at rate of almost 10 METERS or 32 feet EVERY second.SQUARED. You are ACCELERATING, your velocity INCREASING BECAUSE OF EARTH'S MASS, NOT the CURVATURE OF SPACE TIME.
The curvature of Earth's horizon IS visible AND MEASURABLE. If you don't pay attention to details and small differences. that just means YOU are not very observant, because the curvature of the horizon IS visibleIF the horizon is NOT BLOCKED, which it frequently is.