First of all, the effective temperature (T' ) of the Sun would be greatly reduced, and given by
T' = (r/4R)^(1/2) T,
where T is its present surface temperature r is the actual radius of the Sun and R the radius of the Earth's orbit. The factor of 4 is to take into account the fact that the Sun is a sphere as opposed to a flat disk. The total amount of energy radiated would be the same in both cases, with the difference being that now the Earth intercepts only a very small fraction of it, and in the suggested case it receives all of it.
After some time (how long, I'm not going to estimate now) equilibrium will have been reached and the temperature of the Earth would be the same as the new Sun's, T'. There would not be any weather, winds, etc. on Earth except as possibly produced by any geological energy sources in its interior (e.g. volcanoes). But when true thermodynamic equilibrium arrives, these would no longer exist.
The peak emission wavelength would be that predicted by the black body radiation law and the value of T. However, it probably is a wavelength that falls well outside the visible spectrum. The brightest visible wavelengths would then be in the red, however. To us, the sky would appear a deep red color.
Somebody might want to argue that the temperature of the Earth would actually be much higher than the temperature T' of the "Sun", on the basis that the total flux being the same across the Earth's surface as that leaving the "Sun", and the Earth being so much smaller. Applying the black body radiation law again would give the new temperature of the Earth. The error in this argument is that black body radiation is not directed but is uniform in all directions. Thus of the radiation emitted by a small element of surface of the "Sun" only a very small fraction would intercept the Earth. Carrying out that calculation confirms that the Earth's temperature would equal T', the same as that of the "Sun".
In concluding that T(Earth)=T' , I assumed the Earth to be a black body radiator. Depending on how high T' is, that may or may not be a good approximation. Thus if the Earth reflects some of the radiation, then T(Earth)
I had overlooked Bekki's point about e.g. mountains creating temperature gradients and thus wind patterns.
Scythian is right about the grainy source distribution. I chose to change the problem a little, to a uniform distribution. However, I do not blieve that the radiation received by the Earth will be altered significantly due to that fact. Of that which is re-emitted by the Earth a large portion will miss the "Sun" pieces, but under the assumption that these are internally powered, unlike the Earth, they will not be affected significantly by that. Thus I predict the result to be about the same. I haven't read Scythian's argument closely to know if other issues need to be addressed; maybe tomorrow I will have some time.
OK, one more response to Scythian. The formula I derived applies for a continuous distribution. If you have a granular one, it should be
T' = (r/4a√ N)^(1/2) T,
where a=radius of each piece and N the number of pieces. Note that T' is infinite for point sources, so the question, as worded, makes no sense unless it is interpreted to mean that the pieces are finite but infinitely far away. But if that were the case, the Earth would receive no heat at all. Also, this T' would not be the effective temperature of the sky; that would be close to the value I gave before.
I agree with Scythian within his model's framework, but the question is too unclear to be able to agree on a model without adding arbitrary but essential assumptions. One is the distance of the "Sun" to the Earth, the other is the size of the pieces. A point source has infinite brightness. If placed at a finite distance, these light sources would be so bright as to be totally blinding to an observer on Earth.
This is a common problem with Yahoo!Answers, that the wording of the question is often so ambiguous that you end up with a variety of answers based on different models of the question.