That's right, for the consciousness -- that is the universe aware.
What can you measure, and not be the measurement?
I like to think of it this way, the mind exists, the world exists, the mind exists in the world, the world exists in the mind.
Lets talk about the relativity of place. I know that a thing is a distance away from one thing, and a different distance away from another thing, so it is with every point in space. You can arrive it through all other points, (being infinite) and measure its position thus. Given the experience of sequential order, we measure A from B, and than stop there.
I wonder if you heard of this one, expressed in allegory, I thought you did but your e-mail threw me off.
I take a pen with single flow of ink, I draw a and b, and a says to b, "I am not you."
B says to A, "I know because I have differences, thus I am not like you." A says, "that is true, but we also share similarities. I am made from lines and so are you." B says, "But wait, see through the differences, and get to source, where we are the same, even though we express differences."
And this is self-enlightenment.