There is at some indication that the theories might be true. A physicist observes a physical phenomenon and tries to figure out the mathematics that would describe the phenomena. The first place the look is in an old, dusty mathematics book. Often, because mathematicians find all sorts of equations that have interesting properties but no known practical application at the time the equations are discovered, the physicist finds an equation that EXACTLY fits the phenomena. The physicist then looks at what the equation originally described and wonders if that original thing the equation described might be a general description of reality (Theory).
String Theory and it is a good example, lets look at the birth of the theory:
Gabriele Veneziano:
The rudiments of string theory were first formulated in 1968 by Veneziano when he discovered a string picture could describe the interaction of strongly interacting particles.[4][5][6] Veneziano discovered that the Euler Beta function, interpreted as a scattering amplitude, has many of the features needed to explain the physical properties of strongly interacting particles. This amplitude, known as the Veneziano amplitude, is interpreted as the scattering amplitude for four open string tachyons. In retrospect this work is now considered the founding of string theory although at the time it was not apparent the string picture would lead to a new theory of quantum gravity.…
Leonard Susskind:
Susskind was one of at least three physicists who independently discovered during or around 1970 that the Veneziano dual resonance model of strong interactions could be described by a quantum mechanical model of strings,[14] and was the first to propose the idea of the string theory landscape…
Is String Theory (M Theory aka Super Strings) true? We don't know because, so far, we have no way to test it. But, the math does sort of work.
Depends on which physicists you talk to. You get 2 answers.
"It is too elegant not to be true."
"If you cannot prove it, then no one should believe it."
The split is roughly 50 - 50.
Strings are attractive because of the depth and richness of the supporting math and that math is internally consistent. You can start from different spots and work to the same answer (Sort of like solving a motion problem in Newtonian Physics by using Energy, Momentum-Impulse, or Newton's Equations of Motion. It does not matter which you use, you get the same answer.)
A complaint against Strings is it produces strange results, which we do not understand. This may or may not be a fatal flaw. It is sort of like the equations of Electrodynamics involve square root of -1 which we know does not exist. So, is there a fatal flaw in Electrodynamics or do we just shrug our shoulders and solve for square root of -1. Electrodynamics got out of this problem by introducing a second dimension. Strings also has a CYA. Two actually. 1) Like the rest of Quantum Mechanics maybe some of the strange results apply only at the quantum level. 2) Strings is a multi-universe theory ==> Strings are more robust than we thought and the same equations apply to all universes. ===> The strange results apply not to this universe (and can be disregarded) but to others. Our problem is to figure out which results apply to our universe…
When physicists assume all the elementary particles are actually one-dimensional loops, or "strings," each of which vibrates at a different frequency, physics gets much easier. String theory allows physicists to reconcile the laws governing particles, called quantum mechanics, with the laws governing space-time, called general relativity, and to unify the four fundamental forces of nature into a single framework. But the problem is, string theory can only work in a universe with 10 or 11 dimensions: three large spatial ones, six or seven compacted spatial ones, and a time dimension. The compacted spatial dimensions — as well as the vibrating strings themselves — are about a billionth of a trillionth of the size of an atomic nucleus. There's no conceivable way to detect anything that small, and so there's no known way to experimentally validate or invalidate string theory.