Fined Tuned Universe?
2015-07-17 16:37:01 UTC
Why do people say it's not?

Because it clearly is fined tuned. Yes outer space and beyond might not be for us, but that's the point of a Fined Tuned Universe. That in one little spot called the Goldilocks zone life can exist even when it's surrounded by hostile space etc. The fact that even a damn Goldilocks zone exists is proof of Fine Tuning it's proof that there is a creator that placed that zone. Not to hot. Not to cold. I laugh at people that say this is not a fine tuned universe or that the universe came from nothing. Actually it's hilarious and i hear this from mostly Atheists. lol

It's funny and it makes Atheists look stupid.

Wanna know another reason for a FTU?

Well everything in this world we call earth is in perfect shape, every single resource is found, every metal and element, everything is found in Earth every single thing, and it just so happens to perfectly, all fine and dandy existing right here on earth smiling at your ugly face.

Wanna know another reason for a FTU?

Well electric all this energies exist. They all power our electronics? Coincidence that it exists? Coincidence that it just so happens to work with electronics, etc? Concidence that all of this somehow connected to work and operate? ..

Wanna know another reason?


Simple. Why is it here? You say the Universe is hostile. Why is Earth so lovely and peaceful? Why is there (FOOD) existing in such a weird hostile Universe? Huh? That's right you can't answer you moron. You can't.
Twenty answers:
save us
2015-07-18 04:23:56 UTC
That is like saying that a hole is fine tuned for the puddle of water because the water happens to fit into the hole perfectly.

Most of the Earth is uninhabitable to humans. The Earth must be fine tuned for tardigrades because they can live in more of it than we can.

Every star has a habitable zone, the habitable zone of our sun extends between the orbits of Venus and Mars (not very finely tuned).

Life is fine tuned for the Universe not the other way around.

If the Earth was not in the habitable zone then we would not be here to ask stupid questions on Yahoo Answers so it is not proof of anything.

There is no evidence that any of the physical constants can be anything other than what they are.

You cannot assign probabilities for the appearance of life in the Universe with a sample size of one.

In all respects the fine tuning argument falls apart.

Not all the Earths resources have been found, that is why we still have mineral exploration.

The Earth is not peaceful, what world are you living in?

Fine tuning would be an argument against God because if God is omnipotent then he could create life in a Universe that was not suited for it.
Andrew Smith
2015-07-19 02:29:52 UTC
This is not a question. Your whole statements are argumentative "I won" in violation of the terms of this forum.

Each point you make can be taken apart. But what is the point.

Belief does not depend upon evidence or observation.

Indeed you remember "doubting Thomas". Belief must exist even when all the evidence appears contrary to it.

That is why scientists do not use the word belief. They refer to "the evidence is consistent with"

Or similar phrases.

But if I had to keep altering and changing parts of my car continually every day I would say it was a poor design.

If I needed to keep tinkering and changing the tune then it cannot have ever been fine tuned.

A fine tuned device is one which gradually approaches perfection.

And when you look at humans on this earth you will see how ludicrous this claim is with respect to this part of the universe.

It is more like a failed experiment that will at some stage be expunged as a sad mistake.
2015-07-17 17:18:12 UTC
The Universe is placed upon a razors edge, this does not therefore mean some sort of designer created the universe. This is simply a god-of-the-gaps argument, but at the cosmic level. It is not scientific. it cannot be tested. the only thing that validates the argument is the absence of an explanation as to why the universe is finely tuned. It is an argument that relies upon ignorance not evidence.

I am a Christian. I believe in God and that the universe was created. The statement "In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth" is not a statement of cosmology, it is rather an ontological statement. A statement regarding the very being of the universe. It is a statement regarding the final cause (eternal) of the universe. Cosmology can only tell us how the universe evolved from one primordial state to the other. Saying that God created the universe is to say that the whole natural narrative (after and before the big bag, and even beyond) is contingent upon an eternal cause. The proof of this is not some finely tuned world, but rather that very unnecessary nature of the world. If the world does not exist by necessity (as is) then it does not necessarily exist but rather (via the principle of sufficient reason) it is contingent upon that which is necessary being.
2015-07-17 20:44:42 UTC
The reason people say the universe is not fine tuned is because it is not. I'm 99% certain that you are a troll, but I don't know exactly how much of this nonsense you really believe. You have a lot a crazy stuff going on there, and while I generally understand most of the science, I'm not an expert, so I'll just stick to my own field here and address the bits dealing with Biology.

"Why is Earth so lovely and peaceful?"

Earth is no peaceful. There are blizzards, tornadoes, earthquakes, monsoons, floods, hurricanes, etc... that kill people every year (not to mention killing other animals and plants). Animals kill other animals. There are vast swaths of the world that are completely uninhabitable to all but the hardiest prokaryotes. And before modern technology was developed there were far fewer places that humans could survive (not to mention being able to get the food we need).

"Why is there (FOOD) existing in such a weird hostile Universe?"

All of the food that we eat is a living organism. Human eat other animals and they eat plants, and sometimes fungus or bacteria. We do not eat rocks and metals that occur naturally. The food we eat, being living organisms themselves, also have to be able to survive. So the hostile environment sees the constant struggle of life and death, predator and prey.

"Look at fruit. It's delicious why is it delicious?"

Plants evolved to find creative ways to spread their seeds. If their seeds all grew in the same place there would not be room for them all to survive and eventually they would overcrowd and kill off the original plant as well. So some found ways to spread their seeds through the air (like dandelions and maple trees) so that the new plants could spread and grow far away. Some instead developed sweet tasting fruit to get animals to spread their seeds for them. The animals eat the fruit, they carry it with them and spread the seeds far and wide. Fruit evolved to take advantage of animals, it wasn't magically created just to please us.

"Why is it that our taste buds evolved to taste food? And Food so perfectly has taste and smell."

Our sense of taste and smell evolved partly to protect us from danger. With food we can smell when something has gone off, or we can taste the bitter alkaline of some natural toxins. There are a lot of deadly toxins out there in this "peaceful" world of yours, and animals evolved ways of detecting and avoiding some of them.

"YOUR EYES. HOW? JUST HOW? They just evolved to oparte like freaking cameras?"

You've actually got that one backwards. Our eyes didn't evolve to be like cameras, we invented cameras to function like our eyes. Our eyes evolved through various stages (eye spots, cups, pin-hole lenses, etc...) to become what we have today. And the human eye lacks features that some other animals are better adapted for (long distance vision, low light vision, seeing into the infrared spectrum, etc...)
2015-07-17 16:46:03 UTC
I'll never understand why people think the universe is finely tuned for life -- More than 99.999999999999% of the solar system is a highly irradiated vacuum that would kill you in seconds and the solar system isn't a significant fraction of our own galaxy, let alone the millions of galaxies we have observed.
2015-07-19 05:26:58 UTC
You are making an unsubstantiated assumption.

That assumption being that ALL LIFE is confined to the restrictions of LIFE AS WE KNOW IT.

Speaking of things that make people look stupid... a primary example is your term "fined tuned"...

Do you mean "FINE TUNED" perhaps?
2015-07-17 16:40:03 UTC
Prove to me it is "fined tuned" then. What about it is? There is a explanation for things with evidence and research, you have a book, a book that is all.

If you want to think atheists look stupid, that is fine, think that. We aren't the ones living in fear so that we can get into a magical, make believe place when we die.

Earth is not so lovely and peaceful, have you looked around?
2015-07-17 16:39:22 UTC
Please point to the bit that you think is fine tuned, then we'll be able to explain why you're wrong. Making a sweeping statement like you've made just isn't helpful.

EDIT: I'm calling Poe. Nobody could be this obtuse by accident.
2015-07-17 16:39:25 UTC
Its like the finely tuned lottery winner, u can tune a lotto but u can't tuna fish
2015-07-17 16:43:30 UTC
Bro if a creator existed the entire universe would be able to sustain life, if a creator doesnt exist, life may emerge wherever it can, hence (Goldilock zone). I can use your argument to claim the universe wasnt created.
Vincent G
2015-07-17 18:03:52 UTC
You mixed cause and effect. The earth appears fine tuned to life because life is adapted to the conditions that exist here.

Ad for your outburst, foul language and insults, consider yourself reported.
2015-07-17 16:46:00 UTC
Your opinion of the universe does not change it's true nature. You should look into quantum mechanics if you want to see how wrong you are......
2015-07-19 16:33:42 UTC

So imagine this; you come across a crack in the cement on a section of the the crack there is a piece of crab-grass that FITS THE CRACK EXACTLY....

Do you conclude the crab-grass was DESIGNED to fit that crack? Or are you more intelligent than that?
2015-07-17 16:43:04 UTC
There are 200 billion galaxies.

Each with 200 billion stars

Each with an average of about 9 planets.

That's 3,600,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets.

Are you telling me only ONE of them has liquid water?



Yeah, we can prove evolution.

Google the Lenski experiment.

2015-07-17 16:41:30 UTC
the universe is so large that all those factors occurring at the same location would surely happen, if only once, simply by random chance.
2015-07-17 16:47:45 UTC
Its hard to understand why there are many variations of the same species until you realise that thousands evolved and failed leaving maybe 10 different humming birds , once you see God as an energy it all makes sense.

search for goodness and string theory
Michael Darnell
2015-07-18 06:50:17 UTC
2015-07-17 16:38:56 UTC
Your inability to understand science does not mean your god exists.
2015-07-17 16:50:17 UTC
it has to be a randomly chaotic universe in Atheism because of God

2015-07-17 19:08:44 UTC
It doesn't sound stupid to me.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.