are there practical applications of string-theory?
2006-03-29 21:39:07 UTC
Any applications in the macroscopic world?
Four answers:
2006-03-29 23:50:58 UTC
String Theory is only a theory of description of elementary particles based on one-dimensional curves, or "strings," instead of point particles, given by from some theoretical Physicist.

The energy-scale at which the stringlike properties would become evident is so high that it is currently unclear how any of the forms of the theory could be tested.

So it has not been tested yet and I think it will remain a theory not reality in near future.
2006-03-30 05:57:11 UTC
probably it would solve the big bang theory and the most practical use of this theory is that u would finally know where u came from?

oh a lot of string theory for today, need to goto sleep now
2006-03-30 05:48:30 UTC
At this point in time, string theory is strictly a mathematical theory without any real applications at all.

God is spelled B-I-G B-A-N-G
2006-03-30 05:45:14 UTC
You need to know string theory before you can master nano technology at the molecular level.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.