Because all motion is relative in our 3D frame of reference. Look at two cars traveling 60 MPH side by side on the highway. There is NO relative motion between them---but there is a 60MPH "absolute speed" in the background the drivers do not notice. If one car veers off at an angle, then there is relative motion between the cars to the side. (the absolute speed stays 60 mph) the greater the veer angle, the greater the relative speed.---Of course there is a LIMIT to this relative speed. 120 mph at a 180 degree angle. Any more angle and the relative speed decreases.
The real world has a similar situation. ALL matter has a constant and set "absolute speed" in the direction of the 4th dimension--we call it TIME. So long as these 4d vector angles are parallel between particles, there is no relative movement between them in the 3D frame of reference. Relative movement between particles suggest a difference in vector angles of this inherent movement---Just as we see with the cars (but more dimensions involved) The greater the angle, the greater the RELATIVE speed----So there HAS to be an "veer ANGLE"(energy function) at which the relative speeds between objects/particles max out. In this multidimensional example it is 90degrees. Which the relative speed would be LIGHT SPEED.
Just as the absolute car speeds are not changing, the geometry causing the relative speed, The same in the 3D/4D universe situation where the absolute speed of time is constant--- its the GEOMETRY that creates the relative speed-- And that would have a limit.
Time dilation? also a relative effect. Look at the cars. As one veers off, not only does it move sideways, it also drops back a bit on the highway from the other drivers POV. Same thing in the real world, relative motion in an object makes it appear to drop BACK in time a bit, until the full 90 degrees, when it is left behind by the other object, time having apparently stopped completely from the other POV.---Any more angle and the object moves BACKWARDS in time relative to the other.--and have no Frame of reference connection.
So, since there is only ONE absolute speed, relative speed is a function of and limited by geometric relationships the maximum, being light speed.