Pay attention to gintable's answer and then read it carefully perhaps several times until you can absorb it fully.
It's a comprehensive and excellent answer towards helping your understanding.
Don't be overly concerned about finding the topic a little mind-bending, it drives most people nuts at first This it because it flies in the face of what we may term, common sense thinking. In fact a lot of science does this.
There is a splended book, now available in paperback, at modest £8.99, to help all you students out there who find relativity a pain in the brain.
Title ....Why does E = mc^2 ? (and why we should care?)
Authors Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw (University of Manchester professors)
ISBN 978-0-306-81911-7
I've just finished reading this and it is really brilliant. Probably the best book on the topic for some time. (amazingly you only need high school maths to get through it. So, beg or borrow one before they all sell out)
Someone out there, this might be a great xmas present for Richard our question poser.