How does space work? What are the key laws of physics?
Hi.I really need help with some questions. I'm not asking you to answer it (but if you could, that would be great), but I just need help to narrow my search down. My questions are:
-How does space work?
-Are the key laws of physics different throughout the universe, and how?
Space is the Universe
The “Laws” of physics describe the relationships between the matter and the energy of which the Universe is composed.
What forces hold the objects in specific places relative to each other?
See the web site below
What holds the nucleus of an atom together?
The strong nuclear force attracts the protons and neutrons toward each other.
What holds an atom’s electrons around the nucleus?
The electromagnetic force controls the motion of charged particles and the effect of the magnetic fields produced by moving charges.
What causes a nucleus to be stable or unstable?
The weak force is responsible for radioactive decay and neutrino interactions. It has a very short range and, as its name indicates, it is very weak.
The Force of Universal Gravitational Attraction is the force which causes the mass of one object to be attracted to the mass of a 2nd object. mass.
These 4 fundamental forces control the position and interaction of all the objects in the Universe.
Go to the website below for information about the Key laws of Phyiscs
Newton’s 3 laws describe how physical object interact with each other as they exert a force on each other.
The law of Gravity describes how object interact due to the fact that all objects are attracted toward each other.
Conservation of energy and mass tells us that the total amount of energy and mass that exists in the Universe toady, is the same as the total amount of energy that existed at any time in the past and any time in the future.
Conservation of momentum describes the relationship between the mass and velocity of objects before and after a collision. Conservation of angular momentum describes how the rotation of the Earth increases the stability of the Earth. When an meteorite strikes the earth, the Earth does not wobble like a weeble.
The laws of thermodynamics describe how heat energy is transferred from one object to another. Heat energy is really the sum of the kinetic energy of the atoms, ions, and molecules of which a substance is composed. Temperature measures the average kinetic energy of the atoms, ions, and molecules of which a substance is composed!
Electrostatic laws describe how the electric charge of a particle affects other particles.
The laws of relativity are the only laws which describe how matter and energy are related. The fact that the speed of light in any specific medium is constant and the fact that light does not accelerate from 0 m/s to the speed of light determine the how all the forms of electromagnetic radiation interact with physical objects. The theory relativity describes how velocity affects the inertia of physical objects.
All these “Laws”, are really just descriptions of how all the parts of the Universe relate to each other. The world does not obey the laws! The laws describe the behavior of the world!
From the physics point of view, SPACE is what exists between all the matter in the Universe. Space is a necessary ingredient of the Universe, because otherwise, all the matter would be lumped into one giant sphere. This does not exist due to the attraction and repulsion caused by the forces.
Space does no work, but without space, no work can be done.
The space between the planets and the sun, the gravitational force of attraction, and the velocity of the planets keeps the planets in their orbits.
The space between the electrons in the shells and the protons in the nucleus, the electrostatic force of attraction between the + and- charges, and motion of the electrons relative to the nucleus prevents the atom from collapsing.
I am going to eat supper now.
I have enjoyed how the laws of physics have allowed me to communicate with you, even though neither of us knows where the other person is right now.
I will enjoy how the laws of physics help me walk down the stairs without falling.
I really appreciate the space between the atom in the food I eat. Otherwise, I would be chewing on SOLID MATTER, like trying to eat a rock!
Rocks have space between the atoms, otherwise erosion would never occur!
I must stop or the law of thermodynamics will make my food be the same temperature as the kitchen!!
This has been fun!!