Which do you value more, the word of God or the word of science?
Felonious Monkey
2014-10-17 14:46:26 UTC
Which guides you more in your day-to-day life?
540 answers:
2014-10-23 07:48:11 UTC
I am a software engineer. Totally dipped in science. But till today, whenever I get ill, I remember God and ask him to heal me before taking any medicines. If someone gets into trouble, I pray to god for their well being. When someone asks questions about nature, I give scientific reasonings behind my answers with logical help from science, but some myteries that science hasn't solved yet are answered by the words of God. Thats the reason I dont see any difference between words of God or words of science
2014-10-19 10:33:58 UTC
Science. For starters I've yet to hear word of God or see any sign that such an entity even exists. There are several "holy" texts of various religions - written by people claiming to be channeling the word of their deity. There are a lot of people that believe in a god - but no matter if they take that belief as undisputable fact in their own mind, it doesn't change the fact that it is still just a belief. Science provides actual observable cause/effect and theory to results. I don't begrudge anyone their faith in their religion - I just like to base my decisions on things I can see, hear, taste, touch or smell.
2014-10-23 13:00:11 UTC
The world of science is only here because the world of God. Many theories were proven by the holly books way before scientists came close to dicovering... Both world's are in close realtionship for they both explain each other. Metaphysics for example is mostly mentioned in the Qur'an and the Bible before people got convinced that things like that actually exist. For the people who say God doesnt exist, take a look at the world, at ur body, at everything else. Do u think this was created by a mutation?1
2014-10-18 05:37:22 UTC
The world of science is only here because the world of God. Many theories were proven by the holly books way before scientists came close to dicovering... Both world's are in close realtionship for they both explain each other. Metaphysics for example is mostly mentioned in the Qur'an and the Bible before people got convinced that things like that actually exist. For the people who say God doesnt exist, take a look at the world, at ur body, at everything else. Do u think this was created by a mutation?1
jack f
2014-10-17 21:00:19 UTC
I've never heard God speak. I've read words written in books by the hands of man, canonized by the same men that crucified his son. I'm a bit skeptical of the words written in those books, but I believe in God. One day I hope to hear his voice, and know its him…no doubts. Now science. Science raises more questions than it gives answers. Some science is proven fact, while other is theory. I believe God created science, so Gods word is more important. If one believes in God, one must also believe in his creations.
2014-10-24 10:52:23 UTC
God's Word is the word of science!
2014-11-02 05:37:38 UTC
Our body is also a creation so it only sense those things whatever mind makes it feel. But some of our ancestors gone beyond our these materialistic senses and understood the mystery of soul which is a part of that invisible energy and by practicing and analyzing again and again they are able to understand the mystery of this universe and beyond universe and written it in words which is known by us as Word of God. So the basic difference between Word of Science and Word of God is the science tells us about the thing which we can see and feel and Word of God tells us about those things that we can see and feel and that we cannot see and feel.
2014-11-02 17:31:27 UTC
I have found it difficult to base what is correct. Religion or Science?

God in different religions are portrayed differently. If you are Christian, Muslim,Jewish, or ect. and you follow God before Science, I believe you already have a reason to explain certain situations. Science is just another way to determine what is right or wrong. If you are religious, then you should have faith in your God to follow the word without using scientific evidence. Science is for people that do not have faith in a religion and need confirmation. I believe it's all determined on how we are raised, what our
2014-11-26 06:45:24 UTC
But this Universe is contained of much more things than matter which we can't see by our body which is made by matter.Our body is a creation form which everything is created in this universe which is some invisible energy which is beyond our senses beyond words beyond intelligence and beyond imagination which is known by different person from different names some believe there is something which created us some calls it God, Ishwar, Allah etc. Our body is also a creation so it only sense those things whatever mind makes it feel. But some of our ancestors gone beyond our these materialistic senses and understood the mystery of soul which is a part of that invisible energy and by practicing and analyzing again and again they are able to understand the mystery of this universe and beyond universe and written it in words which is known by us as Word of God. So the basic difference between Word of Science and Word of God is the science tells us about the thing which we can see and feel and Word of God tells us about those things that we can see and feel and that we cannot see and feel.
2014-10-18 02:15:40 UTC
The word of God never came to you directly from Him. Somebody said and you have accepted. There are ways to live a life without hurting others. There are rules accepted by intellectuals. You must follow these ways and rules to live a happy or at least a tranquil life in this world.

Today's word of science may change tomorrow, but there are certain things which you can trust and follow them. You can accept everything which are most necessary and needed for your life.
Praynographer !
2014-10-18 19:32:52 UTC
It's all Praynography
2014-10-18 08:09:39 UTC
Since there are multiple religions I have found it difficult to base what is correct. Religion or Science?

God in different religions are portrayed differently. If you are Christian, Muslim,Jewish, or ect. and you follow God before Science, I believe you already have a reason to explain certain situations. Science is just another way to determine what is right or wrong. If you are religious, then you should have faith in your God to follow the word without using scientific evidence. Science is for people that do not have faith in a religion and need confirmation. I believe it's all determined on how we are raised, what our morals and beliefs are.
2014-10-23 08:19:22 UTC
That's a bit of a trick question. I suppose if I believed I had ever heard or read the real word of God, I would value that more, because, hey, it's God. But so far, every time people or books have claimed to speak for God, their words frankly don't sound very supernatural in origin, and sometimes they seem plainly false; so let's just say I have my doubts that they come from an all-powerful creator.

And as for the Word of Science -- well, that's a myth; there is no such thing. The media portray Science as another kind of priesthood, which occasionally releases a new proclamation, a new "article of faith." It's not like that. At its heart, science is just a way of looking at the world, and of looking at human frailty. If there are any articles of faith in science, they are: (1) The universe is real; and (2) Anything I think I know about the universe, might be wrong.

Article #2 comes about because honest people have found they've been mistaken many times, even when they were DAMN sure they were right. And because of Article #2, scientists tend to be very careful about what they claim. They like to design experiments whose results can be interpreted unambiguously with as few assumptions as possible. "Authority" is fairly meaningless in science; what counts are the experimental results. Like all humans, scientists aggregate those results into a personal picture of the working of the universe; but a good scientist always keeps Article #2 in the back of his or her head. In a happy irony, scientists' recognition of their personal fallibility has resulted in a strong, consistent picture of reality in many respects. It's as if the river of nature's secrets will wash over you only if you can manage to move your personal preconceptions out of the way.

This makes scientific claims inherently uncertain; but the media and the masses are often uncomfortable with uncertainty, because it doesn't make good headlines. So the media and the masses (and even educational systems) have invented the Word of Science.

I like science. I find scientists to be generally more trustworthy than sources who claim to speak for God; mainly because scientists don't ask me to take their word for it. And I don't. Wherever possible, I like to read about the details and results of the underlying experiments, and raise my own questions. The more I learn, the more I respect their work.

Finally, in my 60 years, I have had the pleasure of seeing science change its mind about a number of things. Some people seem to think that's a bad thing; they trust science LESS when they discover its explanations change over time. I guess that's understandable if you're looking for a firm bedrock of absolute "truth". But for me personally, it has just the opposite effect. I trust science MORE when I realize that scientists are perfectly happy to discard old "cherished" beliefs in light of new data. It gives me confidence that they're getting closer to "truth".
2014-10-23 08:15:59 UTC
The word of God is God's letter to us. If you read it you will find all the scientific facts relative to this world are inside it. Since God created the heavens and the earth and all things in it, science is among them.
2014-10-25 18:12:49 UTC
2014-10-25 16:33:14 UTC
2014-10-25 13:41:40 UTC
2014-10-24 13:03:58 UTC
Abhinav T
2014-10-23 03:27:07 UTC
Word of God and Word of Science is not much different the only difference is in our understanding. Word of science tells us whatever thing we see or feel by our five senses which is sensed by our mind which is a creation from matter. But this Universe is contained of much more things than matter which we can't see by our body which is made by matter.Our body is a creation form which everything is created in this universe which is some invisible energy which is beyond our senses beyond words beyond intelligence and beyond imagination which is known by different person from different names some believe there is something which created us some calls it God, Ishwar, Allah etc. Our body is also a creation so it only sense those things whatever mind makes it feel. But some of our ancestors gone beyond our these materialistic senses and understood the mystery of soul which is a part of that invisible energy and by practicing and analyzing again and again they are able to understand the mystery of this universe and beyond universe and written it in words which is known by us as Word of God. So the basic difference between Word of Science and Word of God is the science tells us about the thing which we can see and feel and Word of God tells us about those things that we can see and feel and that we cannot see and feel.
2014-10-18 07:09:10 UTC
. Smith
2014-10-18 07:31:20 UTC
You are trying to put things in a box in which they do not fit.Do we all not drive our cars to work and depend on science constantly.Religion being compared to science is ludicrous and demonstrates your lack of theological knowledge.Religion is a faith based insight into mans creator and in no way should be in the same sentence with science.I know where your coming from.Your stuck on the difference between creationism and evolution.Picking at details that no man can solve.Unless you and the people you expect to have real answers to your question are educated on the subject you broach you are not in a position to have an intelligent discussion on such matters.In time you will come to realize just how foolish your question is.
2014-10-24 10:42:07 UTC
I'd say God, because science leads to God, i'll prove it to you in a logical way, first of all, we see in science how the univers fit with the laws of physics, That are invariant, and second just look at us Man. Kind, we're formed in the greatest way That we couldn't even understand, and above all this, as a Muslim, the holy Coran holds scientific miricales in maths, biologie, ect. So when i chose God, He shows me the right science to follow, and every Time i understand the universel more i belive More in God, and how it's strong the bond with God for the belivers, because who kneels infront of God, stands infront of anybody.
2015-12-10 06:43:30 UTC
Many theories were proven by the holly books way before scientists came close to dicovering... Both world's are in close realtionship for they both explain each other. Metaphysics for example is mostly mentioned in the Qur'an and the Bible before people got convinced that things like that actually exist. For the people who say God doesnt exist, take a look at the world, at ur body, at everything else. Do u think this was created by a mutation?1
2015-01-14 11:05:27 UTC
Why do people get so nervous and jerky about religion vs. science? They have nothing to do with each other. Religion purports to define absolute truth. Science proposes models to deal with what we don't understand. It doesn't matter if they are absolutely true as long as they work. Airplanes are designed using Newtonian physics, which Einstein proved inaccurate. Why? Because the Newtonian model is simpler and it is close enough to work. This inaccurate model lets us make an airplane that works, which no amount of praying can do. Whether or not evolution is absolutely true is irrelevant to science as long as the model shows how to produce stronger crops, food animals and antibiotics.
2014-10-17 14:50:41 UTC
The word of God. The word of God is not contradictory to real science. The first Universities or higher learning were started by the Church. Many still are run by a Church. One near here has a very highly accredited nursing program.
2014-10-18 18:54:01 UTC
To me, there are the same. Science is simply another language we've been given by God to help us understand this time and place.
2014-10-17 18:43:36 UTC
Science. Science can give people limbs, new hearts, surgeries for a lot of things like cancer, appendixes, gallbladders, kidneys, c-sections, and more. Can God do that? No. No matter how much you pray, God can't fix none of that. Without medical attention, you could die if it's severe enough. Science heals. And without science you wouldn't be using half of the stuff you own right now. Did you pray for God to make it and deliver it to Earth? I highly doubt it.
Theo S
2014-10-18 09:04:31 UTC
Learn the scientific method. You will realize that everyone is a mini scientist and the same basic principals that govern your reasoning in day to day life are the same basic principals that govern scientific research. Really, that is all science is, a way of looking at the things around you to see how they work. The conclusions drawn from this form of reasoning are not perfect, but they never claimed to be
2014-10-20 04:55:27 UTC
religion is based on faith. science is based on the concrete(mostly) i believe that

science and the pursuit of knowledge has shaped almost evey aspect of or lives. it has given us light when we cannot see, taken us to places that would be unreachable, and taken away fear of the unknown.

the word of god only gives a sense of meaning and a list of morals to follow. if the word of god is taken above science then it can olny lead to ignorance. you dont except the world as it is. a human should strive to get rid of all of the unknowns in the universe. if the word of god is absolute then you wont try to advance your understanding because you believe that have already found the answers.

--i know this is horribly written as it been a very long time since i last slept, but i think the points are still understandable
2014-10-17 19:34:32 UTC
How can you discern the difference between God and Science when it comes to the really difficult questions of life.

Science and God both adequately answer so many many simple questions, but neither answers the hard ones well. Science generally doesn't even try. I hear the echoes of God's word more when I consider the truly deep and difficult questions.
2014-10-18 00:22:57 UTC
As long as these "science men" keep dying youg and proving that they are frauds, I suppose that I will just stick with the Word of God. My great granny worshipped God and lived a healthy-happy life of 104 years. She didn't know much about man's science, but she credited her long sucessful and happy life to her Creator God. When someone would ask her what is her secret for living so long and healthy, she would say "God has blessed me..."
2014-10-17 19:55:14 UTC
God has never said a single word. The Bible was written by several groups of mortal men, who didn't even agree with each other on how the Bible should be written. God has never cured a single child of cancer or other life threatening diseases in thousands of years. We have learned over the years to save our own...through science.
Texas Mike
2014-10-17 15:58:18 UTC
Word of God for sure. I was an Engineer for 40 years and science has a long way to go..
2014-10-17 14:49:41 UTC
Belief in the Word of God will get me to Heaven. Science Researchers have been proven to be bought and sold to say whatever is in the government's best interest.
2014-10-17 23:39:17 UTC
I have never heard god saying and science we dealing with at every instance of day to day life. Practically i'll go with science.
Brandi R
2014-10-17 16:33:26 UTC
The Word of God. Science comes from the devil.
2014-10-17 20:59:07 UTC
The Word of God plays a bigger role in my life. I try to follow it and acknowledge it everyday, but I do have much respect for science and I am fascinated by it as well.
Bash Limpbutt's Oozing Cyst©
2014-10-18 13:59:21 UTC
Given the numbers of people slaughtered over the centuries in the names of various deities, I'll stick with science, thank you very much.
2014-11-12 05:12:18 UTC
The word of God does not change with the whims of humans.

Scientists do not agree with each other a lot of the time.

What is a 'proven fact' one year is 'outdated' the next.
2014-10-18 11:39:11 UTC
God doesn't exist and the Bible is contradictory.

Science changes when something new is discovered and it ADMITS where it was wrong. When it is. It provides vaccines, cures, AC/Heating, refrigeration, computers, IPODs, hot/cold water, new & interesting clothing, soap, antibacterial whatever, pasteurization, definitely, I trusty scientific research more.

'Religion flies you into buildings, science flies you to the moon'.
2014-10-17 18:23:05 UTC
Uhm, God created Science~
get outta here howdy
2014-10-19 08:33:31 UTC
The word of God. God made science possible
2014-10-17 15:04:58 UTC
The word of which God? Personally, I prefer pastafarianism, but some people like Diana and Pan, some follow Odin, some Krishna, some the Great Trickster Loki. I'll take science and a plate of Fettucini Alfredo, please!
Steven S
2014-10-18 03:27:00 UTC
Science is man's interpretation of the world that we live in. Man is flawed. I believe I will value the creators word far more.
2014-10-23 03:02:40 UTC
Words of science are referred from word of science. What so ever you trust in science or god, they are somehow related to each other.
2014-10-17 18:05:19 UTC

God gifted us with both religion and science to guide us through life,,

unfortunately, many people lack the wisdom to use both
2014-10-17 19:35:09 UTC
God's Word invented the laws of physics, science and and the material world in the "big bang" human beings misinterpet both in ignorance.
ms manners
2014-10-17 15:09:00 UTC
Science does not address morality, so how could it possibly guide me in my day to day life?

I can value both, since they do not conflict, but they serve different purposes.
2014-10-18 07:47:14 UTC
The word of God.
2014-10-18 10:14:27 UTC
I've never heard God speak.
2014-10-18 08:17:01 UTC
2014-10-22 04:52:40 UTC
2014-10-21 23:23:40 UTC
2014-10-21 20:28:34 UTC
2014-10-21 11:43:15 UTC
The word of Science is more valuable and relative to understand the truth of universe and God itself.
2014-10-21 07:43:17 UTC
the word of science.
2014-10-21 04:06:10 UTC
The word of The Almighty God Jehovah.
2014-10-21 02:00:40 UTC
I prefer to the word of god. When I read these answers I came to know almost every one is with science an still some needs evidence to believe god. If you want evidence I am ready to give friends. How can you say that you have a heart ? any body has seen it but mare of us feel the heart yes god is love o feel it
2014-10-21 02:00:16 UTC
Word of God!
2014-10-21 00:37:36 UTC
The word Of G_D without a doubt. All science is metaphor.
2014-10-20 21:44:05 UTC
Value both. Word of God is for the eternal life guide line and word of science for current life.
2014-10-20 21:27:22 UTC
maybe science is the key to find out about god.
Emily Purdy
2014-10-20 20:42:26 UTC
2014-10-20 13:26:05 UTC
Well, all powerful and all knowing being would be certainly be a better source than science that attempts to figure it out. But I've never been contacted by such being, so I am going to say that word(s) of science are more credible.
2014-10-20 12:41:07 UTC
The word of God is of more value. I have seen things that cannot be done through science but through Him. People have been healed and the blind have seen. But you people don't give God a chance. You don't need to see God to say He does exist because He has given His spirit to live within us since the day of Pentecost. If anyone wants to know the truth then look up Lee Stoneking
2014-10-20 04:00:35 UTC
Word of God... Used to be a staunch atheist , but certain recent incidents in my life have reinstated my faith in a higher power
2014-10-20 01:09:03 UTC
Read the Bible, that is all you need to know ......Start at the beginning, Genesis......
2014-10-20 00:07:57 UTC
The wonderful SILENCE of NATURE!!!
2014-10-19 18:07:18 UTC
I happen to, live in a real world with real problems and real solutions. I have no time for Fairy Tale solutions or Childish excuses. Some persons live in a imaginary wonderland with a imaginary Big Brother who protects Them from all the bad things that a real world has every day. I really wish this was true but I'm old enough to know better. Therefore I have to say I live in the world of Science.
2014-10-19 11:47:30 UTC
Since the ''word of God'' is the word of everyone who is using religion to their advantage, i choose science
2014-10-21 16:26:18 UTC
Shawn H
2014-10-21 09:46:04 UTC
I value mac 'n cheese. It's heavenly good science.
2014-10-21 06:49:50 UTC
Add your answer They BOTH have to be proven, if not in blind faith we accept.
2014-10-21 05:57:11 UTC
That's a tough one. On one hand a lot of folks are making the point that science is a real thing they can see and touch. Well not so long ago "science" knew we were the only planet in existence, and not so long ago "science" knew the world was flat. A couple hundred years from now folks will be making fun of something that science says is correct right now.

On the other hand we have religion. My issue here is again, human intervention. If Jesus did exists, how do we know if his word was recorded correctly. And if it was recorded correctly how much has it been tampered with over the years. My gut feeling is that it is impossible for a world as complex as ours to just exist by accident. I also know in my heart there is more to me than flesh and bone. I do believe there is a higher power. But, I think it is important for Christians and people of other faiths to understand that man could have possibly dirtied up the written word over the centuries.
2014-10-20 19:43:25 UTC
The word of god
2014-10-20 19:14:33 UTC
2014-10-20 18:12:54 UTC
I noted you capitalized God not science.

Before all of us.Before science,before anyone thought they were smart enough to ask questions.GOD!

After science fails to answer all your questions,God.

He is the same yesterday,today and forever.He loved us when he created us,he loves us now.When push comes to shove and all your bunsin burners are too hot to touch,TRUST GOD.
2014-10-20 17:22:57 UTC
Well I use science (sort of) in everything I do from a physical point of view. Walking, driving, etc. I use religious principals also to guide my actions in keeping within ethical limits. So I use both in circumstances that they apply.
2014-10-20 12:37:09 UTC

Now let me be clear, I do not necessarily believe in the "Big Bang" Theory. That is a part of science, but not all theories are correct. That being said, in my humble opinion, I cannot see any possibility of a God existing.
2014-10-20 11:00:38 UTC
The word of science it is what it is. religion back when it started was a way for so called leaders wanting power to control people. in another way.
2014-10-20 10:44:17 UTC

Even if you do believe there is a god, which would you rather trust, text written from somebody you haven't met and claims god spoke to him, or something a known scientist(s) proved with evidence?

Plus I simply don't believe in a god, which makes science the only word valuable for me.
2014-10-20 09:33:41 UTC
God as I believe the scriptures were really written long aga
Steve B
2014-10-20 08:52:29 UTC
Thiere is no "word of science"

I'm an engineer. Things work because of engineering and science.

Buildings are better from the lessons we learned over time.

We stay healthy because of science and medicine.

We live longer.

The heavens work because of astromony.

Matter interacts bacuse of the laws of Chemistry.

We are grounded because of Gravity.
2014-10-20 05:06:54 UTC
GOD enough said!!!!!!!
2014-10-19 13:44:12 UTC
Oh, science of course. But that is mostly because I don't know the will of God. If I did I could walk on water, move mountains and skip the science. That is. I'd be in tune with Nature.

Of science herself I have seen but little. Technology you should have asked! Do I trhink technology makes life better? No much much worse. We are pushing buttons like rats.
2014-10-19 11:03:41 UTC
The Word Of God is actually the word of men. Believers always attribute any "revelations" they have to God's communication with them. Not to say that the 'words' they attribute to God are wrong or bad, but reality is that, as best I know according to the Bible, only Moses ever actually heard God speak and that in itself is impossible to prove. I'll take science because it is man's only surefire way of being able to search out and understand the workings of life, our world, the universe. If one believes that God created us, then it stands to reason that God gave man this insatiable need and desire to learn and explain all that exists and how it all works. Science and scientific methods used to research and understand are not anti-God. They are only man's attempt, using his learning capabilities and acquired knowledge, to understand all that he can about ourselves and our universe. One would think that God would be most proud of his creation using the intelligence he gave him to LEARN all that he can.
2014-10-19 09:08:38 UTC
The word of God is Jesus, because Jesus was "the word made flesh." On Christmas day you get to sit around drinking and being merry. On the days when science is the word, you have to work, and if you arrive at work late, you get chewed out. So, naturally, people prefer Christmas to work. But, on the other hand, if you spend all your time on the word of God, you won't earn a living, and will be as poor as Saint Francis, which might or might not be what God wants.

So, in a way, the question is like asking, "which do you value more, food or gold?" And the answer then depends on the situation.
2014-10-19 08:48:23 UTC
Science. Nothing I've ever seen, heard, read has lead me to believe there are any god/dess(es) in existence, but I see results of science every day. People are quite able to be 'moral' without fear of an imaginary hell or hope of an imaginary heaven as a punishment/reward system.
2014-10-19 06:19:50 UTC
Words of God, it covers every thing even Science also
2014-10-19 05:59:34 UTC
Get real. You can bank the word of science. Your life is possible because of science. Seven billion humans are fed and sheltered daily because of science. Try getting a meal using the word of God.
2014-10-21 19:58:54 UTC
Uhm, God created Science~
2014-10-21 18:18:23 UTC
i think it will be science ,because it can help us in the life but god cannot
2014-10-21 10:32:48 UTC
2014-10-21 07:47:06 UTC
God. With God I found peace and hope and joy, lots of joy. With science, only confusion and wonder. Science has made me so scared I've almost wanted to kill myself, God is the only reason I didn't
2014-10-21 01:47:54 UTC
2014-10-21 00:20:18 UTC
I value god more than science . I do not need a piece of paper to prove to me that there is a god
2014-10-20 22:07:42 UTC
I am agnostic, but religion helps people grow in a moral sense, so I take some of their morals into account. To become a better person you have to be knowledgable and open minded which is why I value both. There's obvious things like no killing and where children come from, but there's also a complexity to it that can't make one side right and one side wrong. It's best to take what you can from each side and put it together to have your own ideologies that are personal to your beliefs.
2014-10-20 20:44:00 UTC
I would say that science leads me from day-to-day but God also leads me in life.
2014-10-20 09:22:07 UTC
word of god of course
2014-10-19 00:57:03 UTC
dharma = science+god+self+infinity..

source "The Hindu Forum"
Jedi Jan
2014-10-19 00:13:16 UTC
Well in theory I would have to say the Word of God as the Ten Commandments made fairly good moral sense to me as a child growing up with regular Sunday services in the Baptist Church. I don't think any of that did me any harm as I think that was the basis of me growing up with that sense of morals, being kind to others etc. Not that any non-faith households wouldn't be doing the same, just that it was there in black and white, so as to speak. I even had a bracelet with little discs that had them written on, which was kind of cute; the Church must have given it to me I guess.

That being said; the basis of those morals has kept me out of most kinds of trouble (where others have failed miserably) and I appreciate most of the good fortune that has come my way in life, what fascinates me most is Science. Whether that be archaeology, geology, earth sciences or space itself I cannot get enough of it. I can only wonder at what marvels are yet to be revealed to us in the future, and in the days I will not be around to see what most of you here will. "Such is Life" : Ned Kelly.

So, there you have it; total fence-sitter, if you ever saw one.
Margaret Ann
2014-10-18 20:33:37 UTC
GOD! God created science. :-)
2014-10-18 19:54:27 UTC
Both, really, you need both. One without the other is really not the way to go as the long term effects are very bad. Here is the thing science didn't teach ethics & behavior and religion without knowledge is work without proof. The reason why we are here today is because we mixed and matched these two (at one point the other supported the latter.)

So, I would have to say both.

Edit: I forgot to point out that the simple fact of there been explanations in the Bible is proof that one cannot go without the other OR where there are things that Science cannot yet explain in the Bible should be a strong indication that one cannot be without the other at certain times.
2014-10-18 19:04:01 UTC
religion is without basis and science is based on known facts
2014-10-18 18:52:02 UTC
I will follow the word of science.
2014-10-18 18:15:55 UTC
God because he is the greatest scientist who has all the inventions

and solutions.
2014-10-18 17:47:54 UTC
The word of science. Science is factual, it can be observed, studied, and it is bona fide. There is no facts supporting any religious claims and it is all hear say nonsense, religion is a fixed part of history but in my opinion to believe in the actual word of any religious text in the 21st century is ridiculous.
2014-10-18 17:24:21 UTC
science, wwithout hesitation.
2014-10-18 14:27:47 UTC
There is no "word of science". Science is a tool to understand the word based on objectivity, proof and evidence. You wouldn't ask for science's opinion anymore than you would ask a hammer or wrench.

A lot of the confusion liberals have in a variety of issues stems from the lack of understanding you just demonstrated. You don't understand what science is and you treat it like a religion. Your "word of science" is actually the word of Al Gore telling your brainwashed little mind what to think and you lack the critical thinking skills to question it. You're the kind of person who buys things from infomercials because the guy on the TV is wearing a lab coat.
2014-10-18 12:59:02 UTC
I'm not christian... (thank you)... but I think materialistic science has seriously limited our perspective on life/death and our ability to even properly contemplate this very question. Don't you think contemplating the existence of something you cannot understand is more valuable time spent than contemplating your ability to quantify everything... So... I go with God. but not 'the word of god' ppsshhh.
2014-10-22 21:10:52 UTC
I believe The word of science. Science is exact, while the word of God is changed by people.
2014-10-22 18:46:21 UTC
God obviously!!! Science have made so many mistakes because it comes from men and we are not perfect but everything God made if perfect!! Everybody like reading books, well, I challenge you to go ahead and read the bible and you'll find LOT of interesting things that have happened or are happening and some about to come..
2014-10-22 06:59:08 UTC
The Word of God
2014-10-22 01:05:37 UTC
2014-10-21 22:17:23 UTC
Gene Willard
2014-10-21 10:46:40 UTC
The word of science. Science is real, supernatural beings aren't.
2014-10-21 06:02:16 UTC
The word of sane people.

2014-10-20 23:24:00 UTC
The Word of the true God, Jesus.
2014-10-20 12:54:31 UTC
The word of God has more value than the word of scientists.
Paul Jackson
2014-10-20 08:20:05 UTC
Science. Nobody has ever heard the words of a god. Those books you read are the words of people.
2014-10-20 06:22:22 UTC
the word of science.
2014-10-19 15:30:23 UTC
I would have to go with the word of God, as it maintains the status quo, whereas science keeps changing.
2014-10-19 14:55:23 UTC
Neither. Science doesn't have all the answers and the Bible is written by men and fallible. Trust in my moral compass and codes that reflect that yes. I have a samurai like spirit. I've been blessed with a thinking mind. I hope in life. I've lead a good life. Isn't that something we all can hope for.
2014-10-19 06:53:45 UTC
Praying didn't stop the Black Death.... which was caused by the superstitious killing of cats because religious maniacs said they were the 'devil's instrument.' Well, the joke was on them because the cats were keeping down the rat population and the plague rode in on the rats.. and their fleas.

First off, how about WHICH god you're talking about? And, sorry, the closest I've come to hearing the Word of God was in a sweatlodge ceremony. Most religions have kept only the trappings of religion and lost their soul - they traded it for political power.

Science at least attempts to look for the truth.
2014-10-19 05:43:36 UTC
2014-10-18 19:30:34 UTC
2014-10-18 19:27:19 UTC
There is no guidelines in the word of science, no rules on moral conduct. God gave us rules and morals but at the same time he gave us “free will’ a choice to go by his laws or not. Only in the end will you know if you have chosen right.
and I think ...
2014-10-18 18:50:24 UTC
They are totally 2 different things
2014-10-18 15:56:30 UTC
Science. There are facts and evidence.
2014-10-18 15:32:37 UTC
Science because I have guns baby. Weapons to defend myself. Cars to drive around. Phones to call people. Computers, internet, those nice clothing you're wearing. Need I go on. Without science, people will still probably be digging dirt for food. Science have giving people so much and there are still people who don't believe in Science but love the stuff Science gives them.
2014-10-22 17:48:25 UTC
It all boils down to Truth. In reality, your question is asking, "Which do you trust to contain more verifiable Truth, Science, or the Word of God?"

Here is where it gets tricky. How do we prove the accuracy and purity of a set of documents that are dated by means of tradition, and translated many times by many long dead scholars?

It is easy to document and verify science- thus the trust people put into scientific knowledge. If you can see, feel, measure, and record an experiment, you can trust the knowledge it produces to be truth.

On the other hand, there are many parts of science that are just as much based on tradition. Take the model of the universe that had the Earth at the center- that model lasted unchallenged for centuries, and cost many scientists their lives. Yet, people trusted it to be infallible, just as people do right now with concepts like evolution and global warming. Both can be scientifically debunked, yet to do so may cost you your position, and definitely your reputation. Therefore, very VERY few even try. Why? Faith in traditional beliefs labeled as "science" caries more credibility than truth in these cases.

On the other hand, there have been very few historical stories from the Bible that have not been corroborated by modern archeology. Is there Truth in the book? Yes. But the real question is this; "Is the Bible the only source of Truth that can be trusted?" Obviously, truth is truth. Since there is truth to be found all over the place, it is foolish to hold the belief that "if the Bible doesn't say so, I won't believe it." For example, the Bible never mentions the need of human bodies to breathe oxygen. However, you had darn well better believe that you need oxygen. It is TRUTH that you need it, even though it did not originate in the Bible.

To answer your question, I value TRUTH, wherever I find it, and I abhor lies, even if the whole world falls for them.

(My background, in case you need to know- I started my adult life pursuing Theology and ministry. I am presently in the process of getting the necessary degrees to be a real life rocket scientist.) :)
Grant Peters
2014-10-22 08:48:26 UTC
Science by a factor of infinity.
2014-10-21 13:55:22 UTC
2014-10-21 11:01:21 UTC
Depends on the context.

If it has to do with the seven sins and ethics - Religion.

All else, science.

Using the phrase, "The word of God" is inflammatory. I stop arguing when it is about emotions and beliefs - nobody wins, and everybody gets upset as each doesn't believe or understand their protagonist. It is a waste of time when the level of discussion gets above an "um hmm" or "ah ha". Next are recriminations, death threats and weapons.
Tengu Bakemono
2014-10-21 08:43:56 UTC
I value both, although science has been wrong many times in the past.
2014-10-20 18:11:17 UTC
What word of God? I don't believe a word of God exists, such as scripture.

I believe humans have written what they think their God wants/thinks... but that it is not a word of God.

I cannot value something that does not exist... therefore I cannot value a word of your god that was never actually given.

Science teaches us a lot about how things work, and helps us improve our lives. I value science's contributions to the world.
2014-10-20 17:54:02 UTC
The word of God
2014-10-20 17:43:57 UTC
the word of science because selfish people messed up the word of god.

i believe in god because of science and i believe in science because of god.
2014-10-20 13:04:44 UTC
God of course
2014-10-20 12:21:30 UTC
The word of God. Science can make many mistakes, as they already have.
2014-10-20 12:06:25 UTC
Thew word of God is the same yesterday, today and forever so I trust this more than man's word
2014-10-20 03:16:14 UTC
the word of God
2014-10-19 11:00:09 UTC
One does not preclude the other.
2014-10-19 08:17:54 UTC
Science. God can not answers the questions that you might have- yeah, sure you might use the words of the bible to impact your actions and thoughts, but theoretically he really can not do anything. God is really just the cause for the Placebo effect- (tricks the mind into thinking something works: or in this case, a response that has been told to you- but really it is just you thinking that it has. When really, the object: God, does not contain an active substance meant to affect anything). On the other hand, science has a big role in out daily lives. Without science, technology would not be here, open handed surgeries would end in brutal endings- and lastly our world would not be as one, and not one would even understand why we are standing on this plant.
2014-10-18 21:11:32 UTC
2014-10-18 19:17:00 UTC
The word of God , which does not contradict true science. For more information check
2014-10-18 18:55:42 UTC
Word of God.
2014-10-18 18:25:09 UTC
The word of God.
2014-10-18 13:28:08 UTC
I'd like to think God, but sometimes i wonder if im a faithful enough follower
2014-10-18 12:34:20 UTC
How can someone prove Science? Only God has revealed science over time. God reveals Himself by our surroundings, what we see, hear, feel, and taste, as well as through His Word. It rains on the good and on the bad . That's called COMMON grace. SPECIAL grace is needed to understand and know God. This grace is offered to all of those who God has loved and love Him. One is eternal and one will pass away. READ & STUDY God's Word, and you may believe and understand!

God's Word is dependable, but I will enjoy His works of Science as long as I am in this world. At this point of passing into God's realm, science will not be important!
2014-10-22 12:58:35 UTC
2014-10-22 09:57:59 UTC
Which God? The Christian God, Jehovah, Allah, Thor, Odin, Zeus, Marduk, Inti, any of the Hindu Pantheon? If the ancient Greeks were right (prove that they were not!), we could all end up in Tartarus pushing rocks up hillsides in Tartarus forever and a day.

The word of God is a creation of man essentially (note it is only religious nutcases like Glenn Beck who can actually manage to speak to God, and get a reply!).

Science meanwhile has logic, reason, understanding and explanations which are based upon facts.
2014-10-22 02:36:28 UTC
2014-10-22 01:17:52 UTC
Really I value the word of me, and when it is given it is my bond. Science is an interesting set of methodologies to build universal knowledge, and it's best when it's values free. The Abrahamic god is a jerk in an unwieldy piece of biographical fiction, so those conjured up words don't really affect me much.
2014-10-21 09:32:44 UTC
Believe me you can have both dont make it complicated for yourself.i know there is many different ideas

about whole word between God words & science,from the beginning God say i create world in 7 days and science say it takes million years but really do you think the meaning of day for God is the same that we understand?even Einstein said time is relative.and remember all science that we have is a part of God creation which we know about it.God words explain it in very primitive way to us because against of his science we are like a child.
2014-10-20 18:14:00 UTC
Science as long as the scientist doesn't claim that there is no God. God made science.
2014-10-20 03:38:49 UTC
Aren't they one and the same. Steeped in mystery and relying on faith based assumptions, until proven true, viable or false. I'm just saying there are enough believers/disbelievers in both to keep the dialogue going.
2014-10-20 01:40:07 UTC

They are the same aren't they?

I'm not talking about words written in a book by men, I mean the words of God which are the conversion of energy into matter (E=MC2) Science is the study of matter and the conversion of matter from one form to another, whether in molecules like that happens in a consuming fire, or such things as fission and fusion. It is all the study of matter, and matter DOES NOT FORM by itself. Just study the research done by the Super Hadron Collider and you will see that they are no closer to making matter than they were when they built it. Something or (Someone) has to physically trap energy in such an environment that is physically impossible by our technology to make matter. Then you have the issue of the actual spirit that makes some matter like animals, plants, and people take life and move. If you subscribe to the big bang theory, you totally rule out YOUR OWN spirit. If the big bang created everything, then why do rocks, minerals, and salt not have spirits that cause them to grow and move and live and die? If you believe that everything just "came to be" then this does not work. Everything would be homogenized spiritually and physically.
2014-10-19 22:20:06 UTC
For day-to-day living, the Word of God. It is the most trustworthy source that I know. It helps me with all of life's issues :).
2014-10-19 16:22:43 UTC
As a scientist I value the word of God. But as a religious leader I value the word of a scientist.
2014-10-19 14:42:47 UTC
Since the Word of God "Jesus Christ " created science, the Word of God !!!
2014-10-19 09:53:24 UTC
the word of god
2014-10-19 01:04:40 UTC
As all the sciences belong to the God , threre's no difference to choose which one. I mean the words are only different but but the goal is one thing .
2014-10-18 23:42:54 UTC
Neither, I only listen to Xenon the alien overlord.
luisa l hi
2014-10-18 21:49:36 UTC
2014-10-18 20:09:43 UTC
i think god !
2014-10-18 18:04:37 UTC
2014-10-18 16:52:23 UTC
Louie O
2014-10-18 13:27:32 UTC

It's amazing how just 200 - 300+years ago religious people denied the existence of science and people were jailed, tortured, and/or killed just for talking about scientific theories but now that people are more educated and common sense is becoming more common and science has proven many of the theories, the religious people now say well science is there but it was created and is controlled by God.

Science is making new advancements and physical discoveries every year but there is still no physical evidence of God, Jesus, or any other of the world's religions being discovered... except for forgeries.

What do people do when they get up in the morning and want to check the weather for the day or week ? Do they listen to or read a scientific weather forecast on tv or a computer or do they pray and ask God.
2014-10-18 08:49:27 UTC
science, there is no god.
2014-10-22 22:15:49 UTC
Science. I have yet to see or find evidence of God yet with Science, well it's right infront of us.
2014-10-22 14:42:22 UTC
I believe in God but not of the bible. I don't know what you would call this but I doubt that for people claiming that God created everything, how does it seem more likely that a being created everything? If said being did in fact create everything as claimed, how did said being come into existence in the first place? I believe in God as a form of afterlife authority.
2014-10-22 10:48:13 UTC
2014-10-22 03:22:15 UTC
2014-10-21 14:27:00 UTC
let us all meet God, and then we'll answer your stupid question
Muthu S
2014-10-21 04:17:19 UTC
I believe in word of science which has proof.

The word of god is also man- made and no god came face to face in any religion to speak with human.

God is a religious faith, religions are many and gods are plenty.

Science heals body,mind and soul and not god.
2014-10-20 19:25:12 UTC
2014-10-20 19:02:41 UTC
I believe silence but I am religious I just don't know how accurate those words are in the bible like how do they know what god said that was 2014 years ago
2014-10-20 12:37:17 UTC
Science. Makes more since on a large scale. But i don't doubt there is a god like being though considering almost every nation has some form of deity.
The Duke
2014-10-20 09:06:38 UTC
The word of God.
2014-10-19 15:00:25 UTC
This question is such a peculiar request for an apples to oranges comparison that is does not even make any sense.

The first problem with this question is that there is no qualification of what you even mean by "god".

Are you asking about a christian, judaic, hindi, muslim, buddhist, wiccan... "god"?

Then you have to objectively explain what you mean by the specific "god" you are asking about.

Science on the other hand is not a thing or person.

Science has no "word".

Science is only a way of asking questions.

People answer the questions and peers review the answers.

Positive results are recorded and negative results are by evidence wrong.

When the results are neither completely right nor completely wrong then the research (questions) continue until positive results are achieved even when the original question must be thrown at as entirely and not even wrong - kinda like the one originally posted.

All religions are mandates by faith without question from men who claim authority without question over all followers.
2014-10-19 13:35:48 UTC
2014-10-19 12:20:50 UTC
Quran is best guide for everything.God has said in Quran that there are signs for those who understand..Many scientists have proved today what was revealed 1400 years ago..For all those athesits who dnt believe in god, tell me if there was no god then everything in this world would happen by its own. then we would have born without father and mother..we would make our body by own..There is one and only one god Allah..God has sent prophets to nations of the world to stop worshipping idols..the message of Prophet Abraham,Musa,Isa(Jesus) and all was same..Books were revealed on them but later people changed them and add many verses by own..Quran is revealed on Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) the last messenger..Quran is the biggest miracle of prophet muhammad. Ofcourse God has no sound no voice..Allah has revealed Quran through Angel Jibril..Allah almighty has no shape no body.he has no starting..he knows what is in the hearts of people..Quran is a guide for the whole world..Quran is same as it was revealed 1400 years ago..Allah orders people to worship only him and help poor and needy,,.then we will go to heaven..and those who worship idols,animals or anyone other than Allah then they will enter hell on the day of judgement...If anyone has any question regarding God than he can contact me..i challenge all non muslims..!!
2014-10-19 09:04:28 UTC
Of-course Science.

2014-10-19 04:43:17 UTC
word of science
2014-10-19 00:02:11 UTC
Really god because quran is source of all science .
2014-10-18 23:11:00 UTC
The word of God. God created science. Fact. Some of us can't comprehend him because he is so complicated and beyond our understanding. However, some of us just have faith in him and trust him to guide us.
2014-10-18 14:44:58 UTC
the word of god here. He's the one who makes it all possible
2014-10-18 13:32:03 UTC
God speaks in silence.
Art G
2014-10-18 08:16:14 UTC
God gives us the ability to discover the unknown secrets that science still has to offer.
2014-10-23 02:02:19 UTC
2014-10-21 17:55:08 UTC
God. I would bet my life that every word the Bible said is true and WILL happen.
2014-10-21 16:06:23 UTC
both. if u take some parts out of both and u mix them together just right it all make sense
2014-10-20 16:38:39 UTC
I'm not an Athiest but there is no real word of God. The Bible is stories from MAN who claim they were there.
2014-10-20 13:51:37 UTC
the world of god because we really belong to that world
ralph p
2014-10-20 09:46:15 UTC
Word of God
2014-10-20 02:40:05 UTC
god because even no scientist could't find out where the initiation of heart beat will start.
2014-10-20 00:15:36 UTC
God is nothing but the purest form of math. Just look around nothing but fractals, Fibonacci sequences, symmetry, golden ratios, and everything.
2014-10-19 14:56:14 UTC
God is the Science of all sciences , they are all just a drop in the ocean of God's knowledge.
2014-10-19 07:43:16 UTC
The Word Of GOD Only...
2014-10-19 05:56:54 UTC
neither they are both nothing but unproven theories!
2014-10-19 02:47:35 UTC
Both are equal. some times God , some times science
2014-10-18 19:28:18 UTC
GOD!!! He is the one who made it ALL possible. from creating the universe to creating YOU. He did everything for everyone and He is amazing. For those of you who do not believe in GOD, you are completely missing out and if you do not believe in God, then explain this to me: who created you? huh? im pretty sure you cant create yourself. if God didn't exist, then none of us would be here right now, for people who aren't Christian you have a LOT of explaining to do. God created LIFE!!! he made everything that exists now, and everybody should realize that. :)
2014-10-18 15:31:26 UTC
Isn't it interesting that there is no science of God?
chick b
2014-10-18 13:31:21 UTC
the word of god does not exist,has anyone witnessed god saying these words NO has anyone witnessed god writing these words down NO,how presumptious can you be,how dare the christian religion take it upon themselves to declare to all and sundry that they have discovered the words of god,another load of bull from the leaders of the christian church ok.
2014-10-18 12:36:32 UTC
In my day-to-day life, definitely the word of God. However I don't believe that the word of God and the word of Science are mutually exclusive; I believe in both. I personally feel that science helps me to understand HOW the world works, and God helps me to understand WHY.
2014-10-18 11:44:47 UTC
God 1st and Science because religion with out science makes no sense
2014-10-18 10:46:01 UTC
The word of God.
2014-10-18 08:06:47 UTC
Science and the bible go together like peanut butter and jelly. They compliment each other.

The bible says.... " The earth is a sphere and hangs upon nothing".

That was written 3000 years ago.
2014-10-18 07:30:46 UTC
Which do you value more, the word of God or the word of science?

Which guides you more in your day-to-day life?

In general context of given knowns, the word of GOD will evoke more responses than any word of science.

Science guides everyone in their day-to-day lives whether they admit it or not. GOD is a deity that many people believe in but does little to guide us in our mundane life. Your computer, cell phone, ipod, ipad, car, traffic lights, movies, video games, etc are all a part of science and many of us could not live let alone survive without. So the next time you drive your car to work or text someone with your phone, or eat or drink, remember it is all because of science that you can do these things. But also remember, that it was GOD that gave us science.
2014-10-22 12:53:33 UTC
Add your answer the so called word of god was/is a human created story. therefor has no validity.. understand???
2014-10-22 11:51:53 UTC
It's all Praynography
2014-10-21 16:50:16 UTC
2014-10-21 05:21:59 UTC
the word of god
2014-10-20 14:17:03 UTC
The word of science guides me more, but the word of God sounds cooler.
2014-10-20 08:49:11 UTC
Science, Science give proof to many of its theories but 'god' is something that you've been told about but never knew its true or not,someone said and you accepted plus Science can help us get rid of many problems.. all the technology you have is because of Science not because God gave this to you.. also Science rules in medical, If you kept praying all day and night but don't take a proper medicine you're gonna die.. no one guarantees that you will live.

Science works on proof not on what you've been told.
2014-10-19 15:54:40 UTC
the word of God science was made from God
2014-10-19 15:20:56 UTC
Neither, really.

I'm not too sure which particular word of God is the right word of God.

And science changes it's mind all the time.

Jesus had a pretty good philosophy, but then so did Einstein.

I don't believe either was God.

Alike, the local Buddhist Abbot is neither God nor scientist either. He's a little dried up prune, probably older than the missing link, so has had plenty of time to consider things.

He's also my martial arts instructor, so imparts gems of wisdom after he has beaten the living crap out of me twice a week. It is most conducive to my continuing good health to listen to every word he speaks very carefully.

Since I don't have a death wish, I also listen closely to my wife.
2014-10-19 14:19:25 UTC
2014-10-19 13:14:23 UTC
Both science and religion end with the same statement of truth in the end either way. although we not know the fullest extent of science yet. what i mean is through science if we find all the answers to everything we can discover creation and therefore God, by which the scientific discovers are absent of hypothesis.
2014-10-19 11:23:27 UTC
Exactly Almighty Allah, because Allah has created all this like science,mankind,world.
2014-10-19 09:56:09 UTC
The Word of God. Science has much to offer but all that they work with is part of God's creation. They can do nothing at all without Him.
2014-10-19 07:27:58 UTC
2014-10-18 20:00:17 UTC
science, but im christian. god is just "there".
2014-10-18 19:21:06 UTC
The word of science should be taken literally, while the word of God is to be taken less strictly. This does not mean people follow those rules. I believe that all the stories in the Bible have a moral behind it. This means all the BIble's stories maybe did not happen, but the reason the were written was to show what we are supposed to be as humans, how we should act. People still take the Bible scriptures so seriously, and force it upon people. The word of science can be trusted to a much greater extent. While we cannot learn to become a better person, it is more likely that it is true. Also, the Bible took thousands years to write so stories evolved over time, making them less likely to be true, maybe Jesus was a girl? Maybe he had children? we will never know.
2014-10-18 14:27:26 UTC
Einstein said "I wish to know the thoughts of God, the rest is details."

Einstein was the greatest mind of our time, and he saw no difference between Science and God. There is no single right or wrong when it comes to personal belief.

I work in Science, and it saves lives every day and makes life for the average person better.

Ebola has hit the US, is the country calling on God or the CDC. Personally, I think we will have more luck with the CDC.
Weasel McWeasel
2014-10-18 09:31:14 UTC
I value the word of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

His Noodley Goodness has never let me down.

May you one day be slimed by his noodley appendages and gooey tomato sauce goodness.

May many meatballs be with you.
2014-10-18 09:21:36 UTC
Today science is full of people who are so bigoted against religion that they can't see certain obvious things, like experimenting on young humans/trying to suppress the birth rate of Africans is wrong. Further, many of the best scientists (and artists, writers, mathematicians, etc.) have been religious. Einstein had no problem with religion, and he was an amazing scientist.
2014-10-18 07:23:26 UTC
Theres no comparison because The Most High Created everything and is everything....The Master of Science
2014-10-18 05:46:06 UTC
2014-10-21 02:39:41 UTC
2014-10-20 18:29:45 UTC
God always!!!!
2014-10-20 17:10:17 UTC
I value more what I can prove
Orange C
2014-10-20 12:00:05 UTC
The word of God of course
2014-10-20 08:12:09 UTC
Both are valuable in their own place. And i beleive in both god and science.
2014-10-20 07:24:07 UTC
Well now that's two very different questions.

I value and trust the word of science more because science is verifyable by the scientific method.

i.e. if one doubts a scientific discovery one can perform the same experiment and check the results for yourself. Whereas the "word of god" seems to change depending on the person you ask. To the point where anyone who tells you to have faith in the word of god is actually asking for faith that they have interpreted the word of God in the correct way, and everybody else has it wrong.

I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires.

Susan B. Anthony

However, I wouldn't say that science guides my life. Science is not about morals. It is about understanding creation not the creator.

I treat others how I would like to be treated myself. Science didn't teach me that.
Gandalf Dagre
2014-10-20 02:22:42 UTC
the word of money.
2014-10-19 22:38:54 UTC
Who is God........?????? Off course Science
2014-10-19 18:45:32 UTC
God of course. Even the bible was scientifically advanced during the time it was written. The bible made mention that the earth was round and hung on nothing. Only to recent years do we know these facts.
2014-10-19 15:46:14 UTC
I would have to say God, because he made science. God gave us science to give us doctors, nurses, chemists, and pharmacists. These all help us. God helps us.
2014-10-19 14:56:17 UTC
2014-10-19 12:40:12 UTC
Neither. I think for myself. I am nobody's butt monkey.
2014-10-19 05:56:46 UTC
There are many competing "words" of God, none of which likely came from any supernatural source, none of which have believable or realistic sources. But there is only one collection of scientific thought and we know where it came from. It's obvious which one to trust.
2014-10-19 00:25:46 UTC
There is no such thing as "the word of science". Science is simply an observations of your surroundings, in layman terms.
2014-10-18 20:37:48 UTC
GOD. I am a Christian, and He is who I believe in.
2014-10-18 16:24:32 UTC
Science is just another thing which belongs to God. He lets us use it,just like many other things of his creation.Of course some men misuse it,like all the other things God created. So,I value God above all other things because he is in charge of all that is.
2014-10-18 12:54:40 UTC
I"ve talked to my GOD and HE talked to me I LOVE MY GOD!!!!!! and he tell"s me to :DONT BLAME SCIENCE,THEY JUST TRY TO IMPRESS HIM
2014-10-18 06:36:57 UTC
'Man does not live by bread alone but (also) by the word of God'.

Therefore we need both the word of God and also (bread) everything that is around us.
2014-10-18 05:12:06 UTC
Science. Science can be proven.
2014-10-18 01:07:34 UTC
I believe in God.Science can and can't prove God existence,but I can through prayer.
2014-10-22 08:19:08 UTC
You kidding?? The word of science is from a mere human being. The word if God is froin God. The creator of the scientist. They only know what God allow them to know. Besides they don't even know how old this earth is. The bible shows how old it is and it;s not near no million years old either. For those who don;t believe, God does exist or else they would not be here talking. There's no contradiction in the bible at all. The bible is taught where one has to compare scripture with scripture to see what God is teaching and then he has t open ones eyes to truth of the bible. God wrote the bible so it will seem as it is a contradiction. There is none in the bile. People just don;t understand, so they want a reason why they cannot understand.
2014-10-21 03:56:33 UTC
The word of God
2014-10-20 19:17:00 UTC
The word of God is usually up to personal interpretation. So do you trust yourself or science more. lol SCIENCE! Unless your a scientist of course.
2014-10-20 16:39:08 UTC
Science obviously. Unless you live on a farm with a horse and buggy and cook your food on a fire pit, you use the fruits science in every action you take.
2014-10-20 10:38:36 UTC
I value them in different ways. I value science for learning and discovery but I value God for life and death.
2014-10-20 01:51:42 UTC
Both I reckon
2014-10-19 13:44:02 UTC
If god was real, god.
2014-10-19 13:43:09 UTC
At the turn of the 20 century there was the WORD and the word was Electricity.
2014-10-19 10:53:13 UTC
Some people believe the word of God instructs them to kill infidels. So I assume you ask from the perspective of "your" God. Which makes the question moot.
2014-10-19 10:50:21 UTC
The word of god
2014-10-19 09:10:47 UTC
2014-10-19 08:07:19 UTC
2014-10-19 07:55:33 UTC
Kinda sad this still even has to be a question, science has done more for the betterment of humanity in the past 200 years than religion has in the past 2000 years. God is dead, logic prevails.
2014-10-19 06:38:46 UTC
I get the word of god from humans putting words on paper and telling me they came from God. Therefor I don't know if it actually did or didn't. I get information directly from science by words put on paper by news or directly from scientists themselves. Therefor, I believe science over the so called 'word of God.'
2014-10-19 01:31:25 UTC
Science. Science can people sapiens, a new heart and hope in appendix cancer surgery, bladder, kidneys, caesarean sections of the game. If God can do that? N When you pray, God can not solve anything. Without medical care, as a tomb to die. Medical Sciences. A knowledge of things, by the middle of now, I have. Do not you and I pray to God I know, that he might cause on earth? I doubt it.
2014-10-18 18:17:05 UTC
from science and a little bit of god.
Joe Blow
2014-10-18 17:36:26 UTC
I feel God and see what he has done to me and others once you except him as your lord and Savior and there is no better feeling than that love he gives .I wish everyone in the world can have that love and they can.Open your heart and seek him and he will open the door and let you in.I VALUE GOD WITH EVERY FIBER I HAVE AND GOD IS SCIENCE AS HE IS EVERYTHING.
2014-10-18 15:31:06 UTC
2014-10-18 10:46:39 UTC
It's amusing to read the responses of people who claim that science is a bunch of lies and nonsense. And yet, here you all are using computers to express those opinions. Remind me which section of the Bible or the Koran explained the principles behind a transistor, or how to design an integrated circuit? Was it the Old Testament or the New Testaments that revealed the relationship between electrons and atoms?

Scientists have often been wrong about various things, but science itself is a relentless process that discards ideas that aren't consistent with known fact. Thus, what remains is very reliable. The laws of physics haven't, to anyone's knowledge, changed during the last 500 years. Conductors and semiconductors have the same properties they always have, even if a few properties aren't yet fully understood.

Religion, meanwhile, makes claims that can't be logically supported. You can believe that Mohammed had a conversation with God, or that Jesus Christ really brought the corpse of Lazarus back from the dead, but there's no evidence to support these claims.

I'm not saying that religion is always bad, but if anything is truly the word of God, then the physical rules by which the universe operates must count as such. And science, which studies these rules, is at least as much of a search for truth as religion is.
2014-10-18 09:09:12 UTC
The word of an imaginary being is worthless. I don't value nonexistent things.
2014-10-22 18:56:07 UTC
2014-10-21 22:59:49 UTC
2014-10-21 03:19:58 UTC
The word of God. The scientists come up with new theories and research everyday. They often contradict and clash with each other.
mark t
2014-10-20 23:45:47 UTC
Science...if I ever get ebola...don't dend me to a "faith based" hospitol
2014-10-20 23:27:45 UTC
science I like things that have evidence and explains things with evidence and is reproducible rather then a fairy tale written by primitive desert men.
2014-10-20 21:56:08 UTC
Is the author and the book ever on opposing sides? How can the book exist without the author? How could we have ever known there is an author if we did not have the book? Is not the book enough proof of the author?
2014-10-20 20:55:08 UTC
2014-10-20 12:47:17 UTC
Im not Christian. But I would say that ethics and morality and philosophy in general are stronger guiding forces in life. Science (or rather the fruits of science) is regularly used, but science itself (the methodology) is not actively applied by the average joe. The average joe simply puts faith, arguably blind faith, in science simply because of its fruits (affirming the consequent fallacy). Id even go so far as to point out that philosophy forms the foundations of empiricism and thus of the scientific method, so at its very core science can be no stronger than the philosophies it is based on. The average joe, though, DOES make decisions everyday about how to live and how to interact with the world, with nature, and with other people. The fact is, religion and science do not contradict in any but the most literal/technical sense, and even that is open to interpretation. The conflict you speak of does not exist. No where in science or in technology do either compel an individual to act immorally. Neither does morality oblige someone to or away from the fruits of science. There simply is no conflict. Technologies can be used immorally but just as easily they can be used for good. Religion and science solve different questions. They are applicable in different ways to different worldly problems. The only times you see genuine contradiction between tenet and science are not in moral principles but in technical specifics... and even then, most of the time they can be resolved with interpreting dogma the proper way. And if not, the science in question is more than likely one of creation/origins and is highly speculative or circumstantial... with absolutely no fruit to bare but fuel for atheists.
2014-10-20 11:59:17 UTC
The word of God because it explains things that science cannot.
2014-10-20 09:39:47 UTC
Actually, I think I'm 1 of the rare people who see no real "discrepancy", depending on HOW you DEFINE things, actually or allegorically; whose to say what's "better" than the other???
save us
2014-10-20 06:58:24 UTC
There is no 'word of science', there is only science.
2014-10-20 03:09:12 UTC
if by 'the word of god' you mean the bible then definitely science. i have no use for the book of myths and the christian cult. god speaks to me when i'm out in nature. i don't need a middle man to tell me what to think, especially from a bunch of hypocrites.
2014-10-19 21:38:03 UTC
When I'm functioning on an emotional level, I value the messages of God more; when in a more cognitive, detached state of mind, I am more inclined to rely on science. In the broader picture of reconciling emotion and cognition, I believe that Science is a part of God and God is a part of Science.......inseparable, sometimes delivering hard evidence of proof and sometimes not.
2014-10-19 11:42:13 UTC
Words of God, are scientific in Hinduism. I don't know much about other religions.
2014-10-19 04:11:32 UTC
2014-10-18 12:25:24 UTC
Kevin k
2014-10-18 07:36:33 UTC
Science, it is the laws God set for the universe.

The so-called word of God may have been corrupted, edited or lost over the centuries by others. The speed of light is relatively constant.
rev william
2014-10-18 05:57:52 UTC
Why are you using a computer if you don't like science? Prayer in a dark room for believers of God.
Ramil Carlo
2014-10-18 05:46:25 UTC
the word of God of course.

Science exist because of God's creations
2014-10-18 02:06:27 UTC
GOD is number 1. always
2014-10-22 16:17:32 UTC
This question suggests a pre-existing knowledge that a word of God exists. I am sure that in case of this situation that I would probably value the word of God but I would still value the word of Science. Science isn't trying to disprove God or be against Him. Science is a tool that is used to understand the Universe.
2014-10-22 13:20:21 UTC
2014-10-21 16:57:11 UTC
2014-10-21 14:48:18 UTC
2014-10-20 22:47:57 UTC
2014-10-20 22:38:14 UTC
word of God
2014-10-20 20:03:01 UTC
Word of God
2014-10-20 00:52:08 UTC
They are the same to me. The wonders of science are manifestation of God, and help us strengthen our belief in the existence of a supreme creator.
2014-10-19 14:02:45 UTC
Science. Knowledge is power!
2014-10-19 10:16:07 UTC
Definitely science. Can't compete with evidence
2014-10-19 08:32:41 UTC
He who knows science a little, is an atheist.

He who knows science a lot, is a believer.

Is why Einstein was a believer...
Yorkshire Lass
2014-10-19 07:58:32 UTC
The word of God is food for the soul, for the Word is Life.

When we accept the promises of God, written and recorded in the Word, the Holy Bible, we live for ever, thanks to Saviour Jesus Christ!

Science is food for the mind. It will not help us on our death bed!
sandy d
2014-10-19 07:24:05 UTC
The word of god is only here because man is an evil being inside of a good being, or just totally corrupt!!! Because it is very hard for imaginary man made up beings to become visible!!! So they need to rely on lies and cons and stories to get into your minds!!! The bile is only a story book written by MAN the top story teller in the universe!!!You believe only because you listened to mans made up stories told to you often enough to get believed by you!!! In other words you have been brainwashed to believe in a imaginary god through a system called inculcation!!! MAN is the top story teller in the universe not god, god is just one of MAN's many made up characters!!! FAITH is only an excuse word used by believers when they have no reasons for their beliefs, where as if they had even one reason then their pretend fake faith would be completely unnecessary!!! No actual gods or devils exist anywhere outside of any ones inculcated minds!!! The inculcation coming from the same con person who preaches blah blahs at you in church then after the last amen he goes to the backroom of the church and he and imagined god abuse little boys rears!!! If any god were real then no boys would ever of been abused inside of any church, pagoda, temple, mosque, etc. etc!!! .Because it (god) is imagined to be all powerful and good and loving of goodness, not abuse, so why do you idiots still believe in it if its own clergy gets away with centuries of sexual abuse of children and still can baptize you with the same hands and probably the same water he used to clean up with after??? I had a friend who was so excited for weeks because he was going to be an altar boy, after his first day at altar slavery as he called it he killed himself that night because he was sexually used by his old horny priest in the back of the church while other boys were doing other "holy" things in another part of the church!!! Nobody would believe me when i told them what my friend had told me and that priest stayed in that church until his retirement!!!
Outside of a Dog...
2014-10-18 21:31:23 UTC
The FSM tells all and shares all. And the meatballs are also good.
2014-10-18 18:17:11 UTC
Ani Elmajian
2014-10-18 16:17:13 UTC
As an agnostic now, I'd say both are important.
Dances with Labradors
2014-10-18 15:23:15 UTC
Both God and Science are human inventions, and both are imperfect. But when a man of science is proven wrong, he changes his mind. When a man of God is proven wrong, he keeps right on presenting the same old error as eternal truth. .
2014-10-18 14:29:04 UTC
The word of god has been edited/changed by men who want to control...take this & that away & put it my own words here...let me read the first edition UNCUT DIRECTORS CUT....
2014-10-18 11:24:06 UTC
The word of God and the grace and the blessing of knowledge given to man to enrich the lives of others but man has used the knowledge of God for destructive purposes.
2014-10-18 05:36:41 UTC
Someone helps you understand the word of God.

Someone explains the latest science.

The word of God never changes.

Someones explaination tries to change it.

Snap, the trap is sprung.

Some new explanation of science is explained, why would you argue?

Some truth you accept must go against it.

Until your truth is destroyed, you wont accept a new finding by science.

But always know that science will keep explaining even as they dig up the evidence that the word of God is true.

It was just compiled by man, and translated by people who study languages, and who are they? Scientists, yay !

It's when they try to rewrite and change meaning that they trap themselves because the manuscripts can be sought and studied.

False teachings and rapture doctrine are not in the Word of God.

New ways to explain Gods creation are happenning as I type this. We call it science.

The last unchanged printing was in 1611, there were words in it that can be better understood.

The latest accepted authority is the Companion Bible, a king james, with commentary.

Smith's Bible dictionary.

Strongs concordance.

Please quote me where Rapture exists in those texts?

It cant, it was a womans dream from 1860.

And THAT'S what i'm talking about

1-800-643-4645, any question can be answered.

That's the number of a place you can get the answers , or check your preacher, or ask for the unchanged evidence.

They are not trying to get rich off you, or build a building, or make weapons, or phony UFO's, or mislead anyone.
2014-10-22 17:58:43 UTC
God created Science.
2014-10-21 23:58:48 UTC
2014-10-21 15:50:11 UTC
Word of God for sure...all you need is trust.God guides me more in your day to day life...
2014-10-21 11:33:17 UTC
2014-10-21 05:02:49 UTC
The word of science. I have seen so much evidence and have so much faith in science and biological history, but I have not seen anything to lead me to believe there is a God. How can I believe in something if there is no proof it exists?
2014-10-21 04:26:38 UTC
The words of God are more valuable but the words of science also valuable. Both are separate at on their place.
2014-10-21 02:55:33 UTC
What you call "the word of god" is just crap some primitives wrote in a book, and are claimed to be the words of their god.
2014-10-20 23:58:48 UTC
Science is realistic and God is fancy. Science is certain and God is confusing. Science stay in front of eye and God stay in mind. Science prove first itself and God establish first himself.
2014-10-20 21:40:26 UTC

The bread we eat is prepared from the grains given to us from nature which satisfies our hunger. Gods word consoles and satisfies our soul
2014-10-20 16:20:21 UTC
Science. Christianity, Islam and Judaism have only been around since the beginning of the AD era. That being said it's hard to base my life on something that has barely made a dent in the existence of earth. Compared to other animals like fish, reptiles and birds and the age of the Earth and the Universe, humans and our ideologies are not that important in the grand scheme of things. Other animals have lived on earth for millions of years, dinosaurs roamed the earth for hundreds of millions of years. When you calculate all the periods(Jurassic,Triassic etc) together dinosaurs roamed Earth for around 630 millions. Humans haven't even come close to that. Primates/Humans have only been around for millions of years.
2014-10-20 05:29:26 UTC
I am a Catholic and I believe in the word of God but I accept science as long as I find it reasonable.
2014-10-20 03:29:26 UTC
Linda Iafrate
2014-10-19 12:58:16 UTC
2014-10-19 12:14:36 UTC
The word of God, without Him there would be no science.

By His will everything came to exist (Revelation 4:11)

He's the one that constructed ALL things (Hebrews 3:4)

which includes every molecule.

learn more at JW.ORG
2014-10-19 07:17:10 UTC
Definitely GOD .word of science exist just because of nature.the people ponder over the power of nature and then they discover and invent the things so the credit goes to the one who creates all this that is only one ALLAH.
2014-10-19 04:57:45 UTC
I think everybody should believe in his own God, but I don't think anybody should take the bible as an evidence. I think the best way to find God, is to look for him inside us, not outside. So I prefer the words of science.

For those that haven't watched it I would highly suggest to watch this video - Bill Nye vs Ken Ham debate.
2014-10-18 21:51:32 UTC
I prefer the Word of God. The word of Science has limited resources that can only be explained by well educated individuals based on speculation, extrapolation, and what is know to man.
2014-10-18 16:12:48 UTC
*God, the Creator of all

Science, discovered by man.
2014-10-18 15:41:09 UTC
Since I am not yet sure if God has indeed spoken I cannot judge God's words BUT I can say that science is all FOS!
2014-10-18 15:35:22 UTC
The word of science can be the word of God. The word of God is truth and you have to figure out whats true on your own. No one can tell you what the word of God is because you can't trust organized religions or really anyone that has a gain off of making you think like the same way they do. I believe God is real and humans understanding of "the word of science" will be even greater when we acknowledge that as truth.
2014-10-22 21:26:27 UTC
2014-10-21 21:34:10 UTC
2014-10-21 16:57:49 UTC
I say the word of God because God is way more important than the word of Science. God created the world and Science did not. God should never be left out and should always be in peoples prayers. Even though some people learn about Science everyday at school, still God should be put first in anything you do and say.
2014-10-21 12:14:43 UTC
2014-10-20 21:32:08 UTC
The word of science from the word of god
2014-10-20 18:44:48 UTC
Aortas Insotomia.
2014-10-20 15:04:14 UTC
Neither! I have yet to hear the...word.
David Taylor
2014-10-20 14:34:07 UTC
Do your research and you will find that science HAS proved that Jesus walked the earth. I value the word of GOD more.
2014-10-20 13:43:05 UTC
2014-10-20 09:29:19 UTC
10 Commandments- they cover everything
2014-10-19 20:08:25 UTC
I value both God and science.
2014-10-19 12:37:13 UTC
Both has equal importance in our lives.... We can't live without Science because

our science is developed up to that extent so that we can't imagine our world

without it... But it is also eternal truth that God made us all.... So, we and science

both are in existence because of creation of God...So, without God we and science

both are not possible and without science our day today life is not possible...

That's it.....
2014-10-19 10:26:54 UTC
The principal of word of god is , treat others e way you like to be treated . Kindness, respectful, caring and honest ethical dealings. This are sum of the main pillars of every religions guidelines.

Circumstances change , technology and advance in civilization's change . Our fundamentals remain the same.

We respect another human, the diversity of their belief, color of skin, their culture from different part of our world. One thing doesn't change. We are all created in the image of God and we are all related as brothers and sister. in Gods eye we are all equals.

So make this world a better place for our children, be tolerant, kind and gentle .Our humanity depends on all of us.
2014-10-18 21:35:43 UTC
God because science changes all the time.
2014-10-18 15:51:37 UTC
In both cases I'm relying on the testimony of others.
2014-10-18 15:00:58 UTC
The word of God
2014-10-18 13:44:29 UTC
I have never spoken with God so that choice is out. Ummmmm science who?
2014-10-18 09:45:51 UTC
God <3
Raveena Ramnani
2014-10-18 09:22:17 UTC
One and only God <3
2014-10-18 07:57:33 UTC
I don't follow either. There's no evidence that God talks, if there is a God, which I doubt. And science is not about absolute proclamations that we must follow. It's a process with obvious results, including the medium I use to answer this question.
Ram charan
2014-10-23 01:33:36 UTC
Words of truth.
2014-10-22 00:49:59 UTC
2014-10-21 08:32:21 UTC
the word of God. Science was created by God, so I go straight to the source.
2014-10-20 11:56:00 UTC
personaly I value both. but I have to say I rely on spiritual things more though. but I say this if you don't belive that God can be Omni present just look at quantum mechanics.
jim k
2014-10-20 01:38:25 UTC
2014-10-19 22:21:55 UTC
Meals Custom For Ants
2014-10-19 12:46:52 UTC
I don't really live based upon any of those things.

I guess I would say I could relate more to things pertained to God because I'm not all very Christian but believe there's something of greater higher power and that it's possible

Science was never really for me but for smart people who know what do it with it to create things, science can be very fascinating, it already is.
2014-10-19 11:03:54 UTC
The word of God because he is the creator of this earth and without him we wouldn't even exist
Bizz Da Guru
2014-10-19 10:14:20 UTC
I try to use both in my daily life. I feel that if you take "God" and leave out science, you are dismissing the tools given to humans to aid in understanding "God". Likewise, if you take Science and leave out God, is like learning Math but never needing to count anything...what is the point

We need both together, to really understand our part in all of this..
2014-10-19 09:22:06 UTC
you people with your little minds you are unable to fathom the fact ,that the two go hand in hand god does not make rules he uses them to their farthest cosmic possibilities
2014-10-19 08:46:45 UTC
The word of God
2014-10-19 07:22:03 UTC
Science speaks with clarity, while Organized Religion babbles on incoherently about which denomination is truly of God.
2014-10-18 21:31:45 UTC
The word of Science, I've never heard the word of God.
2014-10-18 21:26:45 UTC
word of science
2014-10-18 20:36:16 UTC
2014-10-18 14:39:34 UTC
neither. I guide my self with integrity
2014-10-18 10:10:21 UTC
2014-10-18 09:47:15 UTC
There is in fact no actual "word of God" you have to have faith to believe what is presented as such. Science is fact, it is reality. Period. and btw I do believe in a higher power just not an individual one
2014-10-18 01:51:07 UTC
easy and comfortable.
2014-10-17 19:45:38 UTC
2014-10-21 16:32:28 UTC
Grinning Football plinny younger
2014-10-20 11:47:25 UTC
My morals are guided by my humanity (I would like to think.) My mind by science and the fact I am encouraged to question it.
2014-10-20 09:56:49 UTC
The Holy Word of God

Jer. 23:29 Is not my word as like a fire?

Is not my word as like a fire?
2014-10-20 07:57:52 UTC
Science doesn't teach me morals whereas God doesn't give me the facts.

Science can be ruthless but I'm not afraid. Science is better, when combined with the morality of the wise men.

Maybe one day science will decide to exterminate 90% of the world population because "of the ill effect on planet earth" but I'm ready to accept, unless the survivors are actually better than me in terms of evolution, biology or intelligence (genetic advantage I mean).
2014-10-20 05:04:02 UTC
2014-10-19 21:17:33 UTC
The word of God. There is no way that this wonderful earth was created by itself. Someone wonderful and powerful, like God, would be the only one who can create it. Science is all around us, but we only know so much. There are millions of things yet to discover. We can have faith in our Heavenly Father.. not in science.
2014-10-19 15:26:32 UTC
But since 1860s through 1950s Science has made the Killing MUCH more effective. it is now so effective that thanks to MAD ( mutual Assured Destruction) we have NOT had a "real" WW since 1946. that is an unusually long period. usually wars break out every 20-30 years.
2014-10-19 13:58:51 UTC
Honstly, I don't think that's the right way to word the question. But anyways, I value both religion and science. Because science is literally happening all around us at all times. So is God. I can't pick one over the other (well, God is more important, I suppose) because both literally cause everything to happen.
L. D. M
2014-10-19 05:15:39 UTC
I personally need them both because none of them can answer all the questions we have.
2014-10-19 04:45:23 UTC
I follow my compass and have only been lost twice .
2014-10-19 02:50:26 UTC
I'm a believer in both Einstein once said: "The more I learn about science the more I believe in God"
2014-10-19 00:25:34 UTC
Obviously god. because Science is the creation god.
2014-10-19 00:09:37 UTC
Common Sense
2014-10-18 12:39:02 UTC
The word of God, it trumps anything that mere man can think up.
2014-10-18 12:09:12 UTC
the word of God. He is our Lord and is all knowing and unable to lie
2014-10-18 08:15:21 UTC
the word of God because God would not come in the physical being to talk to you it could be from dreams,trance even through the holy spirit. the work of God is like two edge sword nd i believe
2014-10-18 07:54:58 UTC
the word of God is ABSOLUTE AND IMMUTABLE, never once shown to be incorrect in all of history. Word of science is only theory, and accepted until disproved.
2014-10-18 04:36:30 UTC
It must be the word of God.
2014-10-17 19:07:26 UTC
Science, obviously
Sally says...
2014-10-17 18:03:58 UTC
Both. God is the creator, therefore He also created science. This is a no brainer!
2014-10-20 19:58:25 UTC
2014-10-20 18:17:05 UTC
The Word of God. Holy Bible.
Mr Sayer
2014-10-20 17:21:15 UTC
"Intelligent design embraces the ignorance beyond your limits of understanding it cannot possibly serve the philosophy of discovery - which is what science is about." -Neil Degrasse Tyson
2014-10-20 17:14:20 UTC
GOD.If god was not here you would not be here
2014-10-20 00:33:35 UTC
the word of God. the science could not be exist if God does not exists. God made science to offer the evidence taht supports the words of God. the world has changed...
2014-10-19 20:38:18 UTC
Science. Science actually offers proof and peer assessment, instead of a half baked guy in the sky.
2014-10-19 17:28:03 UTC
The word of God--and if you do not agree with me--sorry you are going to miss heaven
2014-10-19 12:45:04 UTC
2014-10-19 11:59:39 UTC
God...Science is important but what i am searching for the god's words help me!Science is Hard work of great dedicated humans till now so no saying science wrong for me as u can believe science & god at a time & that's the way!:)
Will Therussian
2014-10-19 05:06:54 UTC
Science! Flies us to the Moon!.......Religion! into Skyscrapers!
2014-10-19 01:53:46 UTC
both. i am not religious but i am a believer. i don't see god in the image of man. i do believe there is a creator, but i also believe that the universe was created in more than 6 days. for those who dont believe you need to find another word for universe, universe means one verse, one statement, which was "let there be..." which to me doesn't mean light but the whole universe. which would be your big bang. god is the only way the big bang could be possible.
2014-10-19 00:56:23 UTC
The world of science
2014-10-18 13:55:50 UTC
The Bible says that the Sun stopped in the sky !!!! (Joshua 10:13) WHAAATTT??? So it's no contest.
2014-10-18 12:46:51 UTC
Definitely the word of God. Yeah, scientists have discovered many answers to things and many solutions. But God created us! Sure, he doesn't heal everyone with cancer, but he heals the people that are not ready to go. He told us not to live for worldly pleasures, but for him. He loves us and without him, we wouldn't even have science!
2014-10-18 06:34:01 UTC
2014-10-18 05:28:29 UTC
2014-10-18 04:05:31 UTC
Hello, I add, the both, but always the sequence important, firstly The god then the science. always for any question the both but the (old,east, evil after the repairs...) firstly then the (new, west, good), because the first better and prior than the second.
2014-10-18 01:57:25 UTC
In case of theroy god and in case of partical science.
2014-10-18 01:21:07 UTC
The Word of God!
Ms Blue
2014-10-17 20:49:27 UTC
God-Science would not exist without God!
2014-10-21 12:39:48 UTC
2014-10-20 11:36:54 UTC
As soon i hear Gods word or the Gods words i will make a decision.As of now i know that science works and it corrects itself.That is or is it not the way you can communicate with your audience.
2014-10-20 11:32:14 UTC
The word of god. Science came from knowledge and God created knowledge and everything else. Just my opinion but there is a whole differe way people view things.
2014-10-20 07:24:25 UTC
Word of science, because real and wright science proves that god has made
2014-10-19 22:59:44 UTC
The Word of God 1st over everything else dear, for God was, is the 1st Scientist,; He Created. Amen !
2014-10-19 18:08:54 UTC
The word of God, It is the beginning and the end.
Rain Dance
2014-10-19 17:14:35 UTC
God is science
2014-10-19 11:10:57 UTC
Word of God
2014-10-19 11:00:24 UTC
The Word of God. However Science is not evil or something to put a way. The issue is that some scientist are using science to disapprove God and they waste a lot of time, where if they focus more on science instead of trying to prove that God is not real, they will be able to do more good for the word and discover more stuff about the universe because looking at science today there no way we can say that science is at a top level since they can't even locate a plane that went missing.
2014-10-19 10:57:16 UTC
wow a lot of lost souls
2014-10-19 09:02:28 UTC
while all of us have life because of the science of creation. mankind lived without science for thousands of years.

while men do live without understanding the words of God, their lives are empty and without promise, We need the word of God unto salvation, to know teachings of righteousness.
2014-10-19 08:19:30 UTC
Word of science matches word of God. If it doesn't, then you'd be misunderstanding one of them.
2014-10-19 01:26:02 UTC
personally, I'm an atheist, but I'm also fair unlike many of us. when you look at the Bible objectively, not just to find the things you don't like, you find that it has a lot of valuable life lessons and humane qualities to give. doesn't mean I believe in a God, but the actual teachings are actually very good. and of course science is great. understanding how the world works, the history of the planet we live on, learning about our bodies, etc. it's very enthralling and very necessary. so they're equal for me.
2014-10-19 00:22:50 UTC
Those who think they know the words of a putative god have delusions of grandeur. Christianity, Islam and Judaism will go the way of the Norse, Greek, Roman, Babylonian , Egyptian etc. gods. Just give it some time.
2014-10-18 23:34:23 UTC
Both; religion for faith and science for factual
2014-10-18 21:00:43 UTC
Which do you value more, the word of God or the word of science?

Go Science!
Brittni Gutierrez
2014-10-18 19:52:43 UTC
2014-10-18 15:49:00 UTC
As an Atheist god dose not influence me any way , But when you conceder the wars and deaths that religion has caused, coupled with the fact that science and its cronies who invent weapons of mass destructions , chemical warfare and all sorts of terrible weapons to kill people . They are just as bad.

Me I will stay out off it all and have peace of mind without them both.
2014-10-17 21:39:37 UTC
Depends on what you're looking for in life. God brings comfort, solace. Science brings fact.
Merlady enchantress
2014-10-17 20:30:08 UTC
I think god is science and science is god.
Steven A
2014-10-22 01:56:07 UTC
They are exactly the same thing. Problem is both of them are polluted and corrupted by humans.
2014-10-21 11:28:28 UTC
2014-10-20 22:04:22 UTC
Our Heavenly Father, why? because if we came from monkey why are monkeys still here? and like every thing on this earth has a male and female to produce. Why do we have a mother and father and then where did their mother and father come from? Animals live to survive, we have intelligence and still gain knowledge and further progress down through time. So all of this knowledge goes to waste after we die, so we just go poof and gone after we die. We write books, tell stories pass on our life history for others to learn by and use to better themselves. To try and remember the things that was put down here from our father in heaven to learn and do thing that are pleasing to him so we can be with him some day.
2014-10-20 17:43:06 UTC
You can learn more about the world with 100 years of science than you can with 10000 years of religion. - Life of PI
Kurt G
2014-10-20 15:11:58 UTC
If you get sick, do you go to a church or a hospital?
2014-10-20 14:40:43 UTC
Gods words
2014-10-19 15:37:20 UTC
God exists. I know this for a certainty because I have spoken with him many times. Many enlightened ones such as I exist such as dalai lama and many other monks at the Temples. God will always be above science and men. Such as Antigone the short story states, "the laws of god are above those of kings". Therefore, if you hear god speak that is the true law.
2014-10-19 10:08:52 UTC
2014-10-19 06:52:44 UTC
I value the Word of God more. Science is always changing.
2014-10-19 01:33:01 UTC
2014-10-18 20:11:06 UTC
in fact the two things being compared are not similar in the manner invoked.Ignorant people get what their foolishness deserves, There are no absolutes. The truth is not what you see it is what you perceive, there are things that we now know we cannot know. When trying to describe the nature of science, they're describing creationism.
2014-10-18 19:03:30 UTC
I never heard God say anything. As for men of god or men of science, both professions suffer from a an infestation of liars.

If there is a buck to be made on it. I don't value the word of either bunch.
2014-10-18 12:35:39 UTC
2014-10-18 07:21:58 UTC
If the "word of science" is accurate it in no way is in conflict with the word of God. In fact they would be mutually supportive.
Irv S
2014-10-17 21:49:42 UTC
What, precisely, do you mean by "God"?

(I've never gotten a satisfactory answer to that question.)
parochial school graduate
2014-10-17 18:56:46 UTC
The word of God was written by man , copied by man, translated by man. Don't you think there is a slight chance that the word of God has been polluted by man's ideas? Science might not be correct but at least no one has to be afraid to dispute it and ask for more proof for fear of being an unbeliever. One exception might be that Republicans get ridiculed by Democrats when they ask for more proof about global warming.
2014-10-17 14:50:39 UTC
I am not so brilliant as to think myself able to discern the words or plans of an all powerful God. Many honest and brilliant people have so many different opinions of it. so I have to go with man's best interpretation which is science.
2014-10-17 14:49:39 UTC
For me, it is science. I think the word of God is beyond human comprehension and can probably be most closely approximated through science.
2014-10-22 17:50:42 UTC
2014-10-18 00:14:43 UTC
i would value the god most because the god is the creator and destroyer of the world.but science is only about the invention and researching the things,and creating new things but the god is the one who has created this world...
2014-10-24 07:54:05 UTC
God guides us through science.
2014-10-20 09:24:33 UTC
When things go wrong in life people seek for love when the are emotionally hurt.

We seek for natural medicine in nature when scientists cannot cure.

Once we all do this things without being religious we value the word of God by faith and spirit.
Adia Sharma
2014-10-17 23:44:33 UTC
2014-10-18 07:50:30 UTC
the word of science is something that God has sent to you only not directly.ultimately everything from a simple advice from parents to professional advice from doctors is the word of God
2014-10-18 15:26:06 UTC
All scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:15-17. I Believe in God.
2014-10-17 14:50:42 UTC
God. Science is just a bunch of secular bigots throwing ideas at the wall and seeing what sticks.
2014-10-19 05:53:18 UTC
2014-10-24 11:00:32 UTC
Science because I'm not an idiot. Which god out of all of them are you asking about anyway lol there is a **** ton of em.
2014-10-25 19:12:53 UTC
2014-10-17 14:58:18 UTC
2014-10-17 14:55:12 UTC
I'm guided by the word of common sense... which is a little bit of both.
2014-10-18 05:21:07 UTC
the word of God
2014-10-17 14:52:34 UTC
I believe in the Only REAL God

HE is the Light

I am talking about the Flying Spaghetti Monster, of course!
2014-10-21 07:06:24 UTC
There is a difference between the word of The Lord and science? If one understands the words and ways of The Lord one will understand that science only explains how The Lord did it and what we can do to improve our lives with the use of science as it understands the way of The Lord.
2014-10-18 10:58:38 UTC
I use a computer or engine or electricity more often than a bible, so I'd say science.
2014-10-18 09:18:16 UTC
Every Inquisition in history has failed the rights of humanity, so, a Scientific Inquisition would not lend much more credence to a value than the others.
2014-10-18 20:17:11 UTC
THe Word Of God all the way.
2014-10-19 19:43:32 UTC
Why do people get so nervous and jerky about religion vs. science? They have nothing to do with each other. Religion purports to define absolute truth. Science proposes models to deal with what we don't understand. It doesn't matter if they are absolutely true as long as they work. Airplanes are designed using Newtonian physics, which Einstein proved inaccurate. Why? Because the Newtonian model is simpler and it is close enough to work. This inaccurate model lets us make an airplane that works, which no amount of praying can do. Whether or not evolution is absolutely true is irrelevant to science as long as the model shows how to produce stronger crops, food animals and antibiotics.
2014-10-17 22:07:40 UTC
Science. Religion was created to explain events and stuff that humans could not. But now we can "logically" explain stuff then just saying "God did it" there's no point in it other than to create conflict.
2014-10-17 15:06:48 UTC
Tough one, I'm not sure what I use more, science or the things that it has produced or the code of conducted used in daily behaviors/choices.
2014-10-17 14:49:03 UTC
Well, if you and I both get Ebola, you try to pray it away, I'll rely on science. Let's see who has a better chance of being alive in 2 weeks.
2014-10-18 20:34:10 UTC
The word of God. True science and God do not conflict--only theories conflict. Someday we will no how they fit together harmoniously.
A Leftist
2014-10-17 15:00:58 UTC
I'll stick with the word that is real and verifiable as opposed to the word of authoritarians used to whip people's minds into obedience (science>god).
2014-10-18 12:11:18 UTC
The word of god in a sense gives people the morals we have today.
2014-10-18 08:29:01 UTC
For me, It is certainly the word God. It really depends what life you lead and what religion you have.
Calamity of the Skies
2014-10-19 01:59:31 UTC
This question can be rephrased to the equivalent question "Which is more reliable; the process of science or ancient mythology texts?" I think, if you have a functioning brain, you can easily answer that question.
2014-10-19 04:48:17 UTC
What ever you believe in. If you believe god, to each his own, just don't push your religion on me.
2014-10-18 10:22:01 UTC
Simply put, I value the word of god above anybody else. End of story.
2014-10-19 00:07:40 UTC
The word of Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala (to Whom you mentioned as God).
2014-10-24 02:11:54 UTC
actually , the concept of " GOD " is created by humans . I am not an atheist , but I hate to see someone who misuses GOD's name to defend his way of life even if it was abusive to others .
2014-10-20 05:25:34 UTC
2014-10-17 14:47:30 UTC
Since god does not exist there can be no such thing as the word of god. Science. Because it works. Bitches.
2014-10-23 12:55:32 UTC
2014-10-18 13:45:25 UTC
God... as science may teach only one segment but religion or believe in God teaches all.
2014-10-26 11:39:19 UTC
2014-10-26 06:08:47 UTC
2014-10-24 16:28:57 UTC
2014-10-24 14:34:19 UTC
2014-10-20 02:39:34 UTC
I believe in God almighty because is the provider an the one who control our lives. No one like him in this world an nothing will make me believe science or anything. i believe God is the one who brought the science to excistance.
2014-10-18 10:05:42 UTC
God. because god created science!!
2014-10-20 20:42:42 UTC
I value the word of Dog most, here's a video of my explanation.

If you liked this video there's more at
2014-10-17 14:55:55 UTC
Which god are we talking about here? I personally value the most Zon-Kuthon the mighty one.
2014-10-23 11:39:30 UTC
the word of science even though everyone in my biological family are religious.
2014-10-18 14:37:26 UTC
God. He gave them science.
2014-10-17 16:05:25 UTC
2014-10-17 14:47:47 UTC
Me typing this sentence on my computer proves that science has contributed more to our society than religion and prayer ever did.
2014-10-20 12:42:25 UTC
The Word of God is what gets me through each day and helps me with my relationships and keeps me on track. If you watch the news, you'll discover that science is constantly changing it's mine at to what works or how things really came to be.
2014-10-18 08:38:51 UTC
Science cause there is no such thing as God.
2014-10-17 14:47:34 UTC
We democrats bow in reverence to President Obama.
Tom S
2014-10-30 11:43:46 UTC
God has never talked to me.
2014-10-18 01:41:23 UTC
scientifically I believe the word of God! :)
2014-10-17 14:50:31 UTC
Science is real god is imaginary.
2014-10-17 14:51:16 UTC
The one with more credibility, and that is science
glen b
2014-10-20 16:51:34 UTC
if you read the BIBLE if know this is not made up material it has to from a higher source it has to be the inspired word of GOD
2014-10-20 10:22:32 UTC
the word of God
Thinkin' Munkey
2014-10-17 14:48:19 UTC
2014-10-19 21:51:59 UTC
word of science
2014-10-24 06:10:23 UTC
2014-10-17 14:51:09 UTC
Which god are you talking about?

Which word are you talking about?
2014-10-18 04:18:05 UTC
science is god maybe
2014-10-19 17:58:56 UTC
The word of God is visible.God does exist and we can see God on every day affair. When you do things according to God's design, then the results are to our liking and when we do things against God's design, then we end up in a mess. There is your proof! The bible was written by man and it is very confusing.and contradictory.
2014-10-22 12:29:16 UTC
2014-10-17 15:01:24 UTC
I value neither as much as my own reasoning.
2014-10-17 14:48:31 UTC
I try and watch The Simpsons; they are god to me.
2014-10-19 16:07:05 UTC
Science is reality based, its theories are either proven or scientists are working every single day to prove them and we can find direct evidence of how science works to aid us. God, on the other hand, whichever version of God you choose to believe in, is a construct of man, invented to try to explain that which we dont understand without bothering to actually research and discover for ourselves..........

So really, the question should be, does one believe in fact or fiction? I will take fact over fiction every single time.
Ralph W
2014-10-18 14:30:00 UTC
Human beings have quite a few holy books to choose from (Bible, Qur'an, Egyptian Book of the Dead, Qayyumu'l-Asma, Writings of Abdu'I-Baha, Writings of Shoghi Effendi, Triptaka, etc. etc.)? Which one did you mean exactly? Human beings have been manufacturing deities since the beginning of time and we've been writing books and claiming them to be of divine insight since we've been able to write.

So, which of the human races many many works of "holy" fiction would you like to compare to science, today? Oh, oh, let me guess--the one you were raised with. The one true faith, the one your parents whispered in your ear at age three so that now you can't conceive of any other possibility whatsoever.
credo quia est absurdum
2014-10-18 14:51:55 UTC
Both are important, The Word of God is vital.

The Word of God tells us WHO and a little of WHY.

Science tells us a bit of HOW and WHEN
K Elion
2014-10-19 09:27:57 UTC
Biology, physics, mathematics, engineering and medicine help us understand the world, but there is much about life that remains a mystery.
2014-10-19 13:33:53 UTC
There are only doctrines of salvation that leads the believers as to not question the "word of God" what is the word of God asked an Ant...
2014-10-19 07:19:15 UTC
it isnt hard to choose. its obviously gods word. he is the one who created us and he knows best for us
2014-10-19 04:51:23 UTC
i would value the word of god then science..
2014-10-20 05:03:35 UTC
2014-10-24 00:30:00 UTC
2014-10-18 19:26:23 UTC
They are one of the same to me.
2014-10-17 14:48:05 UTC
I rarely pray to biology, so figure it out.
2014-10-17 14:49:33 UTC
"Science" doesn't have a word.
2014-10-18 00:48:30 UTC
The word of God does not change with the whims of humans.

Scientists do not agree with each other a lot of the time.

What is a 'proven fact' one year is 'outdated' the next.
2014-10-18 23:56:18 UTC
2014-10-17 15:28:51 UTC
science. my favorite, especially astronomy, i freaking love it!!! at least its based off of years of research, unlike the "word of god" that is obviously flawed in many ways and doesn't get fixed. for example, people originally thought earth was the center of the solar system, but now we know that is not the case, the sun is the center of the solar system. science is a way to learn about the universe, and how it works. you cant do that with a just religion, i think its fine to believe in a god, but just saying "god did it" doesn't answer anything at all.
2014-10-19 01:19:40 UTC
Both are equally good abstract nouns, though "God" retains that arrogant capital g.
2014-10-19 16:42:48 UTC
science ive been stting in a wheelchair for 10 years for what if there was a dod I would b walking again
2014-10-18 12:50:28 UTC
You assume the two are mutually exclusive, do you. . . ?
2014-10-18 06:33:28 UTC
God. Jesus Christ.
2014-10-18 18:50:20 UTC
No words have been more true than the ones that come from my anus. Each word tells me how I am inside & out. And that is something everyone can attest to.
2014-10-21 09:36:49 UTC
2014-10-19 06:04:36 UTC
2014-10-17 19:29:42 UTC
I don't always believe in science because science can go wrong.
2014-10-18 20:35:14 UTC
2014-10-19 17:47:12 UTC
science !!!!
Miles from Michigan!!
2014-10-17 16:05:40 UTC
in every ones day to day life it should be God!! BUT science murdered God (so they think)!!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.