Lizzie D
2013-05-23 07:25:45 UTC
1) To a person who is inside a spaceship moving close to the speed of light, a meter stick held horizontally inside the ship looks
A) longer.
B) shorter.
C) wider in the direction of motion.
D) just the same as always.
2) Relativistic equations for length, energy, and momentum hold true for
A) relativistic speeds.
B) everyday low speeds.
C) both of these.
D) none of these.
3) To calculate how much energy an object contains, you multiply
A) its mass times its acceleration.
B) its mass times the speed of light squared.
C) its mass times its velocity.
D) the force on it times the length of time that force acts.
4) The correspondence principle says that
A) the old theory is correct.
B) the new theory is correct.
C) any new theory must correctly predict observations.
D) any new theory must agree with the old correct theory.