In science, a real theory is based on observations and hypotheses that are verifiable (whether they have been verified or not).
Your... "thing" is not a theory.
People do NOT "jump up into the air and shout". The person who came up with the hypothesis in 1927 (it only became a true theory in 1949) was a priest who also happened to be a darn good mathematician (able to argue with Einstein... and win).
When the hypothesis was presented, most scientists just shrugged and looked away. However, when the idea formed the basis of a more serious theory, everyone (almost) worked very hard at proving it was wrong... and they failed.
The name, by the way, is a misnomer (there is no explosion in the real Big Bang theory); the name was given in 1949 by an adversary of the theory.
Also, it is not a theory about the creation of the universe. It is merely a description of the evolution of the universe over the last 13.8 billion years.
Evolution was accepted as fact by the Church, even before Darwin entered Seminary (studying to become an Anglican Parson). Darwin studied it in a course called "Natural Theology".
What Darwin did was to write a theory (a real one) about how evolution COULD proceed without direct divine intervention -- responding to changes in the environment.
Your "theories" are not theories. There are just false statements that you wish were true... without any evidence and without any means to check them.
It is the same as Trump saying that he has a "plan", when is plan is simply "I will ask the generals to give me a plan within 30 days".
This is not a plan. If anything, it is proof of the absence of a plan.
Bottom line (about God) is that the Big Bang theory (when it came out) was so much in accord with the beliefs of the Church that the priest was promoted to the rank of Prelate (a title equivalent to that of Bishop, but without the responsibility of a See).
Therefore, proving the Big Bang theory to be wrong would help in proving God does not exist. This is what Fred Hoyle tried to do all his live (Fred was a proud atheist and a famous scientist; Fred rejected this foolish idea that the universe could have been created -- Fred is the one who came up with the awful nickname Big Bang).