Does my theory prove God exists?
2016-09-03 10:25:36 UTC
I have a theory on why I think God does exist. I honestly don't know if it can be disproven so if you think it can then go ahead.

At one point in time nothing would exist. NO space, stars, life, nothing. How did we all appear then? People usually jump up into the air and shout 'BIG BANG THEORY' however it is not possible.

For example something would have trigger it. But here was nothing there to trigger it or do anything. Nothing would exist. How do you make something from nothing? It must be God.

I have several other theory including;
evolution is false
why science has discoverd things that go against religion.

And more, just ask.
104 answers:
2016-09-06 02:03:21 UTC
We have a scientific explanation for how the universe started. That explanation is the Big Bang theory. There is lots of evidence for the Big Bang. But you're right in one aspect - no one knows how the Big Bang happened. We don't know if time started at the Big Bang or if there was a 'before the Big Bang'. Science certainly doesn't have ALL the answers, but part of what makes us human is trying to find out those answers.

Now, what you're arguing is that the Big Bang must have had a cause. What you're then doing is saying that you think God must be that cause because things like the Big Bang can't 'just happen'. The problem with this argument is that if you apply the same logic, then God must have had a cause. What existed before God to create Him? And if your answer to that question is 'God always existed and didn't need a cause' then why does the Big Bang need a cause? You've just said things can exist without a cause. So the 'God must have done it' is logically inconsistent. You can't, on the one hand, argue that the Big Bang needs a cause and then, on the other, argue that God doesn't need a cause.

Most modern religions accept the Big Bang theory as the scientific explanation for how our universe began. Most modern religions also accept that evolution was the process by which the wide diversity of life on our planet was produced, and how we humans eventually appeared. These are incredible discoveries that we've been able to make.

Religion is simply a belief in a god. It is not a belief in how God set up the universe, how that universe works, and how it changes. What religions have to do is evolve themselves as new information becomes available. You need to adapt your beliefs to fit around what we know to be true - it's why people no longer believe lightning is Zeus having a fit.

So you have two options with a religion. You can keep teaching stuff that you always believed because you think the important bit is the length of time it took God to create the universe and/or the mechanism by which humans got here. This is 'easy religion'. You simply spout the same stuff over and over again like a hysterical parrot and refuse to accept that some of the stuff you used to believe is nonsense. Historically, religions that do this tend to die out.

Or you can adapt your beliefs as new information is made available to you. This is 'hard religion' because it means you must constantly re-evaluate your beliefs and struggle with the question of how God fits into it all.

Which of those two options requires more 'faith', more internal struggle, more difficult and potentially illuminating questions, more profound consequences for human life? It certainly isn't the first one ...
2016-09-09 07:09:54 UTC
In science, a real theory is based on observations and hypotheses that are verifiable (whether they have been verified or not).

Your... "thing" is not a theory.

People do NOT "jump up into the air and shout". The person who came up with the hypothesis in 1927 (it only became a true theory in 1949) was a priest who also happened to be a darn good mathematician (able to argue with Einstein... and win).

When the hypothesis was presented, most scientists just shrugged and looked away. However, when the idea formed the basis of a more serious theory, everyone (almost) worked very hard at proving it was wrong... and they failed.

The name, by the way, is a misnomer (there is no explosion in the real Big Bang theory); the name was given in 1949 by an adversary of the theory.

Also, it is not a theory about the creation of the universe. It is merely a description of the evolution of the universe over the last 13.8 billion years.


Evolution was accepted as fact by the Church, even before Darwin entered Seminary (studying to become an Anglican Parson). Darwin studied it in a course called "Natural Theology".

What Darwin did was to write a theory (a real one) about how evolution COULD proceed without direct divine intervention -- responding to changes in the environment.


Your "theories" are not theories. There are just false statements that you wish were true... without any evidence and without any means to check them.

It is the same as Trump saying that he has a "plan", when is plan is simply "I will ask the generals to give me a plan within 30 days".

This is not a plan. If anything, it is proof of the absence of a plan.


Bottom line (about God) is that the Big Bang theory (when it came out) was so much in accord with the beliefs of the Church that the priest was promoted to the rank of Prelate (a title equivalent to that of Bishop, but without the responsibility of a See).

Therefore, proving the Big Bang theory to be wrong would help in proving God does not exist. This is what Fred Hoyle tried to do all his live (Fred was a proud atheist and a famous scientist; Fred rejected this foolish idea that the universe could have been created -- Fred is the one who came up with the awful nickname Big Bang).
2016-09-09 14:10:13 UTC
You're problem is trying to answer "why" the big bang happened instead of "how?" why implies that there's a purpose. But, personally, if you want to ask a why question, take this one on.. If the universe was created, and created within 10,000 years ago, WHY does all of the evidence suggest otherwise? Paleontologists, geologists, and astronomers have proven the earth and the universe are billions of years old. Biologists too. Personally, i think you can rule out the Christian and Jewish god immediately. Every part of the bible suggests both the earth and the universe were created in only 6 days, somewhere around 6,500 years ago. Sorry, but that's not possible. Whether there is a god or not can't be proven one way or the other. You can prove he's not active in the universe today though. There's absolutely no sign of him. At all.
2016-09-08 13:49:01 UTC
Since when does the Big Bang theory en the theory of evolution say that God doesn't exist? Think of it like this: when God said, "Let there be light", how do you think the universe and anything would create the light out of darkness? Well... "Boom." Hence, the Big Bang.

As for evolution, everything is bound to change in environment. Why do you think people in the 20th century can't be out in the sun for 5 seconds without developing a cancer? Because we never go out into the sun any more. We have (and here's the key word) ADAPTED to our environenvironment. You believe in God? Well, then, surely you believe in different environments, which then, in turn, means you believe in adaption, which, in turn, means you do believe in evolution. Just because the Bible doesn't say it happened, doesn't mean it didn't.

Incidentally, did you know Charles Darwin was a believer?
2016-09-05 08:23:15 UTC
That is not a theory. It is a hypothesis. It is not a scientific hypothesis because it based on what you believe. Your hypothesis is intellectually lazy because all you have done is say I cannot figure this out therefore god must have done it. You solve nothing with this hypothesis but just create another problem. What created god? Which god lit the blue touch paper at Big Bang.

It seems clear to me with this idea and the others you tack on at the end that you are generally intellectual lazy. You believe in god, reject evolution and pose vague claims of scientific mendacity because that it what other people have told you. It is very unlikely you have given any of these a moments' thought.

If you disagree with the latter summary you can put yourself to the test and you will cheat only yourself. If you genuinely what a good explanation of why you are wrong search for a video clip of Prof Lawrence Krauss talking about a universe from nothing.
2016-09-05 10:13:33 UTC
That isn't really a theory, and to be honest, if there is nothing to begin with how could god be there? I had a similar theory at one point, but it was vouching for science, basically it was, since nothing exists, there ins't any laws, so anything could happen, and by chance things like atoms just randomly started popping into existence, and then started multiplying, eventually creating laws like the laws of physics: gravity etc, and to be honest, if a conscience was able to form from nothing back then, how come humans need brains? and how would we know about it? Religion is based from beliefs, so the chances of someone coming up with "god" is next to 0, unless there was solid proof, which there ins't, or we would know. Anyway, I personally think that, God doesn't exist, and that your "theory" doesn't prove he exists.
2016-09-05 17:54:38 UTC
Next question, how did God appear then? Something had to trigger his existence? I love how some religues people say that God came from nothing even though it doesn't make sense because everything comes from something. Most of the time when someone mentions what created God, they don't want to talk about because they know they have no answer besides "God came from God" and so one. Another thing is why are there so many gods? kids in the school I go to all believe in different God or are atheist. These religues include Hindu,Muslim,Buda,Catholic,Christian, Tribal Gods (Native Americans and other tribes around the world), and etc.
2016-09-10 13:48:13 UTC
Look at a animal. Never knew where it lived, never knew who or what the surroundings are, never knew what is going to happen to it. And then it dies. Yet we know so much more and we try to uncover how or what the universe made, we won't ever know that and yes there is a god. The structure and the laws coudn't have came from nothing and people should stop arguing about "what created a god", our knowledge will for always be small and yet some here try to reason that there coudn't have been a god.
2016-09-07 14:26:35 UTC
Oh, these discussions are fun x)

It's my assumptions that people can't really prove or disprove a God until they can accurately understand eternity.

Being finite beings, trying to fully understand just that one concept, which defies everything that can reasonably be interacted with or known of, is effectively impossible. Anything operating in eternity would have to defy time, movement, as well as distance. Everything people perceive would need to be scrapped for an understanding that we have words for but no solid meaning.

Eternity, infinity, endlessness. Loose words that are vaguely understood, but cannot be proven or really defined.

I think a good exercise for a minimal idea would be to attempt remembering your 10 most prominent and fully filled out memories, and trying to relive all the sensory input, actions and feelings you had all at once. Easy to say you can do, but really a human mind isn't going to actively handle that much information and be able to differentiate between everything, much less act on every case actively, individually and with every possibility. Eternity, to the best I could relay my idea of it, would hit on every point between those 10 memories and actions at once and then beyond.

It's a fun idea to explore, but ultimately an impossible thing to define and grasp.

Incidentally, I do believe there is a God, but I highly doubt that it is anything like the pretty little tales people comfort themselves with in religion.
2016-09-05 21:25:28 UTC
I have a theory on why I think Zeus does exist. I honestly don't know if it can be disproven so if you think it can then go ahead.

At one point in time there was no lightning. How would lightning appear then? People usually jump up into the air and shout 'STATIC ELECTRICITY BETWEEN PARTICLES OF ICE AND LIQUID DROPLETS OF WATER' however it is not possible.

For example something magic would have trigger it. But here was no magic without Zeus. No lightning would exist. How do you make lightning with no magic? It must be Zeus.

I have several other theory including;

gravity is false

why science has discoverd things that go against religion.

And more, just ask.
2016-09-06 13:45:19 UTC
Science actually has a theory as to how the big bang could occur from nothing called the quantum field theory. Of course, that just begs the question of why the laws of physics exist so that the quantum field theory would work, so science definitely doesn't have all the answers, but just because we don't know what causes something doesn't mean we have to believe it was God, every similar question mankind has faced has had a logical explanation

God of course has a similar issue, who created Him? Who created whatever created God? This concept of finding the beginning cause of everything is just flawed, no matter what it is you're looking at, and proves nothing.

I'm a devout Christian, but that relies on faith, not proof. People have been looking for proof for millennia, if God wanted it to be that easy, he'd have provided proof a long time ago, trying to prove it is just a waste of time
2016-09-08 12:34:01 UTC
You are right that science has not uncovered everything. That doesn't mean the answer is god however. Your premise does not warrant that conclusion. It is just "god of the gaps" ie. if science cannot explain it yet then it is automatically god...

Another problem with your theory is that something cannot come from nothing. So if we cannot exist without a creator then who created the creator? He should not be exempt from that principle.

Apply the same critical thinking you direct towards science to your god. Don't be strict with one and then put on the baby gloves for god.
2016-09-06 17:19:42 UTC
The big bang is a theory because no-one was alive to see it, But the idea is that it happened at an atomic level, meaning that it is smaller than the naked eye can see. enough pressure from the universe caused the explosion. There is evidence that the big bang happened because there were discoveries of ripples in space, possibly suggesting parallel universes. Evolution is a thing that also exists. How is it that the fishes at the bottom of the ocean can survive without seeing anything, while the ones near the surface cant go that deep?
2016-09-04 15:44:29 UTC
The universe always has been and always will be, this is hard for us to understand because on earth we all start and finish but the univers I guess you could see it like a loop you will just carry on forever.... And it's believed that this theory is a widely used explanation for most things in the universe for example it's believed if you left earth and headed in one direction youd end up beach at earth eventually... I'm an atheist and I don't think that you can even attempt to disprove evolution.
2016-09-03 11:02:14 UTC
How did we all appear then?

- Heat and pressure over came gravity in the singularity. Wasn't that easy?

however it is not possible.

- Really?

For example something would have trigger it.

- Heat and pressure over came gravity, is there an echo here?

Nothing would exist.

- No, matter/energy has always existed.

How do you make something from nothing?

- Try reading something from the 21st century, "nothing" does not exist.

I have several other theory including; evolution is false

- Except that evolution is more proven than gravity.

why science has discoverd things that go against religion.

- Because religion is a proven fantasy.
2016-09-09 14:16:59 UTC
If you ask any cosmologist what the Big Bang was, they will tell you "we don't know". Modern physics breaks down as you approach t = 0, so general relativity and quantum mechanics can't explain those conditions.

Through extrapolation, we could presume that space was much less dilated back then. General relativity suggests the universe would be compressed into a singularity. This is not a good approach, since general relativity is not fit to explain such small conditions (quantum mechanics would be better, but even that can't explain how gravity worked).

So all we know is that *something* happened 13.8 billion years ago. There are no currently available physics models that explain those conditions.
2016-09-03 12:26:05 UTC
Don't take any notice of the 'scoffers', your thinking is logical, as nothing can come from nothing.

Where people have a problem, is to accept that there exists a Being that is far far greater than they are, this irks many.

This spiritual entity has capabilities BEYOND human thinking.

A spiritual Being can create material, not the other way round.

Hence, only those humble in heart are willing to accept anyone greater than themselves.

Jesus said so (Mat. 5:3, 5).

Kind greetings, Gunter
David N
2016-09-10 05:34:45 UTC
Theories do not prove anything.

A theory is a proposition put forward in an attempt to explain observed phenomena.

The theory is then either proved or disproved by facts.
2016-09-05 02:51:55 UTC
In my opinion i don't think that God exists, because why are we believing in Jesus Allah Buddha and others , why are we divided as people ? A God i only one for everyone ,and it's true that's not up to 'God' ist's about religions but why is like that why God let people believe in so many gods when there is only one ? I believe in something powerful that cannot be described and i don't think is God
elias p
2016-09-07 07:42:03 UTC
God is truth it can not denied. The humans are doing with science is explaining the way might be it happen with his intelligence. We can talk about the rules & laws of science truly nothing is existing its all comparative ideas that idea keep changing when human get more date in his table. If i can come with one theory that say that god existed before universe created who can denied that. Science is educational thought how it all become to exist, it not possess the truth. Imagine big bang is a reality in the wakening of universe what will god doing that time. God will not affect the origin of universe. I seen gods hand in my whole life, big bang is human explanation to the origin of universe not the truth. Human mind will not take theoretically abandoned ideas. Now big bang is our hopeful explanation of creation of universe. I am as human being proud to be get an explanation like that to explain my human existence at the movement. I will not denied the existence of god even if universe created by big bang.
2016-09-05 23:19:15 UTC
'Before Me there was no God formed, And there will be none after Me. 11"I, even I, am the LORD, And there is no savior besides Me.…' isaiah 43:10. this says He knew what was before Him,because there was nonexistence. When He was born from Himself and then created all other things.

He knows that without Him,nothing can exist.That is why He says for certainty nothing will exist after Him,as in He will not literally stop existing,He speaks figuratively as in He knows that if there was any "after" time from Him,absolutely nothing would be able to exist. He Holds all things together.
2016-09-05 02:00:00 UTC
There is a big problem with your theory..

You say that it is not possible for the universe to just...exist. That something had to trigger it and that something is god. But if it is not possible for something to just come into existence, that would mean that something had to create god. It means there would have to be another creator even higher than just god... but that creator would also need a creator and on and on.......but lets say god was not created, he just exists...if nothing created god that means it is possible for things to exist without being its possible the universe came into existence that way as well....... . we are talking about something that nobody really knows the answers to but i would bet everything i have that the universe was NOT created by some god
2016-09-04 23:08:07 UTC
Maybe you should read about the Big Bang theory before you embarrass yourself and every other theist. But yeah , there's also the fact that theists are arrogant, ignorant and faithful to fairytales making them relatively stupid compared to rational thinkers so I really don't think anyone can convince you that God isn't there as long as you hold on to your conventional ideas about reality/nature.
2016-09-05 17:22:28 UTC
The human mind is incapable of comprehending most cosmic phenomena due to the limitedness of our senses. The mind can conceive of its environment only so far as the senses allow, which is not very far. There are endless colors our eyes can't see, we can't even see in the dark, there are frequencies we can't hear, we walk around half blind thinking ourselves intelligent. We conceive of beginnings and ends only because that is how we have comprehend life and death for so long: having witnessed life beginning at birth and ending at death, we have developed a mental model to which we expect all other phenomena in the universe to adhere. Beginnings and ends are illusions that only exist in our mind. The universe did not have to begin in the way we understand everything to have begun. Your explanation is overly human, simplified, and limited in perspective and intelligence. We will never know because we will never have the capacity to know. There probably was never a set beginning, is no end
2016-09-08 01:58:25 UTC
That is not a theory. It is a hypothesis. It is not a scientific hypothesis because it based on what you believe. Your hypothesis is intellectually lazy because all you have done is say I cannot figure this out therefore god must have done it. You solve nothing with this hypothesis but just create another problem. What created god? Which god lit the blue touch paper at Big Bang.
2016-09-09 16:37:29 UTC
A "theory" never proves anything.

You form a hypothesis, then run experiments.

When you think you are close, you form a Theory.

After your theory is either proved, or every experiment holds up, then it becomes a law.

Creationism, like Evolution, are better described as "Models" as we can't repeat the experiments.
2016-09-05 18:59:59 UTC
What we deem, or categorize, as "life" is really in the end a social construct just like time. And just like time, we were never here.

A theory needs solid evidence behind it, you said something anyone can say so it's not a theory its a hypothesis.

So the answer is no.

God is a social construct. Everything you say is banter, because it has no solid evidence behind it.
2016-09-05 14:31:03 UTC
It's not a theory but it does support His existence. In fact the bible mentions the heavens being rolled out like a scroll or somehow grew in appearance. So the Big Bang Theory isn't exactly anti-God.
2016-09-03 10:41:27 UTC
Nothing would have to trigger it because the laws of nature didn't exist until the universe was created. And the Big Bang theory states that the universe was condensed into a singularity (look it up) and expanded due to unknown reasons.
2016-09-03 10:36:07 UTC
The way or design in which creations are created indicate that there is a creator and this design is a opened book which explains what is he. You can not prove a supernatural thing which is not part of creations in creations even not by using creations.

Same like atheists can not prove how this world is created, you can also not prove its creator exists or not.
2016-09-09 01:53:52 UTC
This is bait, come on. The Big Bang Theory "is not possible?" You have based that on nothing other than the assumption that there was "nothing." The Universe/Multiverse is more complex than that, and there are explanations that are still being tested by scientists everyday. We find real answers and truths in this Universe by TESTING them, we DON'T find real truths by assuming it was an all powerful being just because we don't yet have a complete explanation.
Dr. Stephanie
2016-09-04 15:17:34 UTC
A "theory", by definition, is something that hasn't been proven. There is no theory that can "prove" the existence of god, its a choice to believe, based upon faith. I don't.
2016-09-03 10:30:12 UTC
I think you should stop posting your theories.

That proves absolutely nothing but that you haven't even grasped the basics.

And why, even if what you say was right, would you suddenly assume that if 'something' triggered it, it has to be a deity? That's a huge leap with no logical basis at all.
2016-09-05 06:13:01 UTC
Short answer:- no it just shows two things

1- you don't understand that by nothing we don't mean an empty space, we mean nothing, no time or space

2- Even if we don't know what caused the big bang, you have provided no evidence that it was a god, and even less that it is a christian god.
2016-09-07 21:46:25 UTC
Our own existence proves God exists.
2016-09-04 15:37:31 UTC
I think nothing can prove whether there is a God or there is not a God... you just believe that there is a God or there is no God. it is not a scientific thing, you can't prove it or rebut it (sorry for my awful Englisg by the way, I am not a native speaker)
2016-09-05 12:52:42 UTC
Even though your statement is an hypothesis, it is also scientific. Don't worry about the mad scientists who obviously hold strong views against religion.

Your logic is actually along the lines of causation. Obviously nothing cannot cause something or better yet EVERYTHING. This is the most primitive principle in science yet they almost abandon their basic principles in the BBT. Steven Hawking doesn't actually rule out the possibility of Devine creator. He has just made attempts to disprove god which has not managed to so far.

In terms of the BBT or Science, physics and chemistry. Nothing has been found to prove or disprove god. If scientists can replicate the BBT then it will lead to a major refutation.
2016-09-04 16:58:33 UTC
That's not a theory. That is a hypothesis based on your emotions and your faith. You don't seem to have much of a grasp on the rest of basic physics or biology, either, since half of what lead you to create your 'theory' was unscientific nonsense that no scientist would ever say in front of anyone. Well, except a sociologist, those guys are morons. (Haha, scientist burn.)

Nothing doesn't exist. There was never 'nothing,' as you say. And what would lead you to believe that something triggered it? That's a huge leap. How about you provide some evidence before you start leaping over those hurdles? Show me your math. Show me your lab results. You don't have that? Well, then, piss off until you can come back with some. Then we can talk.

By the way, here's what 'triggered' it. Heat and pressure overcame gravity. There's the trigger.

"Why does science go against religion?"

Because your religious texts were written by cave-dwelling, sheep-herding patriarchal people who lived over 2000 years ago and your all-encompassing 'science' has been proven by people who were willing to set aside their silly book of fanciful fairy tales and think about other possibilities.
2016-09-05 09:08:03 UTC
Your theory holds water, up to a point. You rightly make the observation that you need something to make the universe You attribute this to God. OK so far, but now let's take this one step further, Where did God come from? At this point your proposal fails, sorry.
2016-09-05 04:14:29 UTC
Just once wouldn't you love for someone to simply show you the evidence for God's existence? No arm-twisting. No statements of, "You just have to believe." Well, here is an attempt to candidly offer some of the reasons which suggest that God exists.

But first consider this. When it comes to the possibility of God's existence, the Bible says that there are people who have seen sufficient evidence, but they have suppressed the truth about God.1 On the other hand, for those who want to know God if he is there, he says, "You will seek me and find me; when you seek me with all your heart, I will be found by you."2 Before you look at the facts surrounding God's existence, ask yourself, If God does exist, would I want to know him? Here then, are some reasons to consider...
D g
2016-09-03 15:15:48 UTC
Wonderful theory. One major flaw. If you can t get simple life from nothing as you presume . Then how did God appear.

That is the problem with theology . It s major premise is God always existed but nothing else can
2016-09-05 11:41:35 UTC
Just because we can't explain something dose not mean God exist, if there's no proof of God exist it's just as likely that a unicorn named David created the Big Bang
2016-09-03 10:32:35 UTC
No, this cannot prove God exists.

You said, "At one point in time nothing would exist. NO space, stars, life, nothing. How did we all appear then?"

If there was nothing, then there was no God. God is a living creature and how did he survive without anything?
2016-09-05 13:28:38 UTC
The logic portion of your assessment is correct, but the pretense is wrong. Just because there is no evidence against something, it doesn't mean it is true. For example, there might be a unicorn living in a really remote region of Scotland. We don't know for sure because there is no evidence for or against it, but it doesn't make it true. We just simply don't know. There is no scientific evidence against the existence of god, but there is also no evidence for "him" (we are going with a anthropomorphic Omni-God here).

The big bang theory does not say that there can absolutely be no god. It simply says our universe was created from the expansion of a infinitesimally small point. As to what created that point, it does not say. Also people don't just throw up their hands and cry out BIG BANG THEORY as if there is no backing for it. There is. From telescopes that see in difference electromagnetic frequencies, we have found a general pattern in the universal heat map, a center if you will, from which all matter in the observable universe seems to be moving away from, thus scientists postulate that at one point, the entirety of the universe was one singular mass. As for whether or not God created it, no one knows.

And it is OK to say, "I don't know". In fact, that is the only fault with religion. It is when people are afraid to say "I don't know", that there is conflict. People become so entrenched in their faith, that they cannot empathize, or feel. They become same monsters in which they so fervently denounce. They kill, they murder. they rape, they pillage, despite the fact that God had given them strict commandments saying "thou shall not kill" "Thou shall not covet thy neighbors wife."

There is no problem believing in god. But when a majority of the population becomes unable to question and unable to accept the fact that they don't have all of the answers, that is when religion becomes a detriment to society.
2016-09-06 14:21:56 UTC
This is not your theory, I ve heard this terrible argument many times before. If the universe and everything else couldn't have come from nothing, then why do you think that god could have come from nothing? What created god then?
2016-09-05 21:25:54 UTC
Who's to say, perhaps God created another race, and that race created us. There's simply too much we don't know, and to be perfectly honest, without the bible or other religious scriptures, there's not much else to say that God is something that even exists
2016-09-04 11:07:22 UTC
Your question only says that you don't understand. And because you don't understand you try and move the question away from you to say - well the 'big person' the 'grown-up' - the 'god' - somebody else must be in charge. You are only deferring the question.

You don't seem to have the slightest understanding of the things that limits human views or understanding.
2016-09-05 11:08:57 UTC
Just stand firm on your faith and try to influence others through your actions. A lot of people wont believe you in media or probably shun you for what you said, but we all have our different beliefs. People will judge us for what we believe in. They will make fun of us, but at the end of the day, what matters is the good that we have contributed, our faith and our belief. Christianity doesn't need to be justified because faith is faith and no any ordinary person with no trust in Him would be able to explain how He exists. You don't have to justify it to anyone because anyone who seeks betterment would seek Him personally.
2016-09-05 18:35:18 UTC
It's a concept of creationism, just like evolution, no one was around to record the accuracy of any theory, so technically yours is as "far out" as anybody's but no more or no less plausible for WE DON'T KNOW.
2016-09-05 13:07:28 UTC
more than one scientist has admitted that God does exist and that there are many things in the Bible that is proven in science

you don't have to prove anything other than to yourself, God exists, He created the heavens etc out of nothing
sha wei sted
2016-09-07 04:27:38 UTC
I feel like your head is in right place. For something so large to begin from what is seemingly, something large and powerful must have caused it... it seems logical

The Yogic Tradition, cultivated in India over more than 5000 years knows beyond a doubt that philosophy and practice go hand in hand. That is, in order to know God, or be certain without doubt of the ever presence of a divine force, a person must attune themselves to be an instrument to receive God. Anybody who is willing, can cultivate this ability, and the easiest way is through structured meditation.

Reason alone cannot prove or disprove God, and the argument of one to convince another of God's existance is futile in the case of the skeptic. All religions have the right idea, but the lineage of knowledge to God realization has muddled over time, and in sone parts lost to secrecy and misinterpretation.

By tuning your mind to a higher frequency, you can experience God as reality, not just as a logical deduction.
2016-09-08 13:27:40 UTC
I believe (I might be wrong) the argument you're making is the Kalam cosmological argument, which, from Wikipedia, states that:

''Whatever begins to exist has a cause;

The universe began to exist;


The universe has a cause.''

... but many people have responded to this argument. One of my favourites is here:

(It's just 8 minutes! Watch iiiit!)
2016-09-03 17:11:09 UTC
That just brings up the age old question...where did God come from? If there was "nothing", then in what kind of space did God exist and how was he created?
2016-09-04 09:12:06 UTC
This spiritual entity has capabilities BEYOND human thinking.

A spiritual Being can create material, not the other way round.

Hence, only those humble in heart are willing to accept anyone greater than themselves.

Jesus said so (Mat. 5:3, 5).

Kind greetings, Gunter
2016-09-05 16:12:23 UTC
What a ludicrous explanation. Why do people believe what the bible says? Humans made that bible, not this god you speak of. Tell you what, if you can find the "perfect" human who makes no mistakes without saying the word "Jesus", you're more a magician than I am. I'm siding with science/physics on this topic.
2016-09-03 15:31:34 UTC
No you don't have a theory. You don't even have a hypothesis that can be tested. All you have is a belief that cannot be proved.
Pirate AM™
2016-09-03 10:36:06 UTC
Obviously you know nothing of quantum physics, hence you are not dealing with all the facts. Maybe you should spend your time learning more about what we know rather than trying to imagine up theories based on your ignorance.
2016-09-03 10:28:48 UTC
Take your Nobel prize🏆


my advice to you, instead of coming up with these theories give some time to real science.

A big misconception among some people about big bang theory is that it says "there was absolutely nothing before the bang(beginning of universe)".
2016-09-03 13:01:15 UTC
you have made assertions of what can and cant happen with no evidence to show they are fact

you then come to a conclusion that cos YOU dont have an answer "god must have done it"

That aint a "theory" thats just ignorance, and you are just the latest in ling line of ingnorant people stretching back several thousand years
2016-09-04 19:14:38 UTC
Your theory may not be as scientific or philosophical as the Big Bang theory, but yes- I believe it indeed does prove the existence of God. The 'Big Bang' theory is less than that- it's a hypothesis. There is absolutely no proof that the Big Bang happened, and there is absolutely no proof that God exists.

Believing in the Big Bang takes faith, just as believing in God does. We have no concrete, physical evidence of either- so we rely on faith. You can read tons of articles with scientific evidence leaning toward both- but there is no definitive answer for either. It takes a great measure of faith to believe in either.

So for anyone to say that the Big Bang theory is scientifically proven, they are utterly, wholly wrong. It is a conjecture thrown out into the world of science to explain the existence of a world to perfect to fully grasp, just as God is.

Allow me to summarize the Big Bang theory in some elementary phrasing:

A long time ago, there was vast nothingness. Then some explosion happened and threw out every particle and physical space we inhabit, and somewhere along the line- in an absolute, unimaginably unquantifiable game of chance, the perfect universe, with the perfect galaxy, with the perfect solar system, with the perfect sun the perfect distance from a perfectly-formed planet containing the absolutely perfect amounts of base elements to form basic life- was created with it.

Seems childish, no?

And beyond that- if the Big Bang theory states that there was literally nothing- legitimately emptiness: no particles, no matter, no space, NOTHING... how can an explosion ensue from that?

You don't need to be a scientist to figure out that the Big Bang theory is absolute, total hogwash and every theory of evolution following it is the same.

God is here, and we are His Creation.
2016-09-10 14:41:55 UTC
That doesn't prove god exist, critical thinking ...some can some can't , you obviously can't.
2016-09-03 10:27:44 UTC
Okay I'll bite, Sparky. So, something had to create the universe or it wouldn't exist. Where does the creator come from? Did someone make him too? If a creator doesn't require a creator, then why does the universe?
2016-09-05 04:05:23 UTC
Atheists don't have an argument for the origin of life. Their only speech is about the how we "evolved" over time. There is no origin with atheists. We were just here and somehow they actually believe it makes sense.
2016-09-04 17:00:29 UTC
The best 'proof' of God is He sent His Son for our salvation, which, of course, is based on belief and faith.

That is sufficient for believers but there is no 'proof' to satisfy the courts of fools.
2016-09-05 03:24:11 UTC
u r totally right. we have to respect GOD and not put our genitals where HE doesn't want us to put them during Mardi Gras or else he will totally flood Louisiana again because the most important thing in the universe is using our genitals only for procreative purposes. We're just gonna get more WRATH otherwise.
2016-09-03 21:46:42 UTC
Multiverse theory could not be proven by science. so that God may exist anyway.
Graham S
2016-09-04 05:08:03 UTC
Theories are not theories if proven .... Theories are various interpretations, and only a hypothetical guess
Lex Lodge
2016-09-05 17:49:45 UTC
This isn't a question for the science category; try philosophy or religion. You might like this book however: Ethics by Spinoza.
jason w
2016-09-11 09:13:37 UTC
2016-09-03 10:28:45 UTC
Theories offer no proof.

They exist to explain observed facts.

You have no theories, just conjecture and BS.

"theory" @ Do look it up.
2016-09-04 08:26:12 UTC
if there was nothing (literally nothing, not just something completely unlike what we live in now), that would have to include absence of god. God is "something" if there is such a thing. SO, either there was nothing, and that includes NO GOD, or there was something, and your premise is false.
2016-09-04 08:46:50 UTC
Thank you for seeing sense. Also, nothing created God, it is established that he has always existed.
2016-09-04 05:24:35 UTC
guys your all missing one HUGE thing... if nothing existed then where the hell is god? where the heck did he come from?!?!

so in answer to your question no that doesnt prove there is a god, in my opinion anyway
2016-09-06 06:01:01 UTC
For you it does.

Maybe things are they way they seem because they were meant to be that way. But somewhere else, they aren't. Anything is possible. Just be thankful.
2016-09-06 14:46:53 UTC
Nope , sorry. Don't assume anyone believes the big bang as described actually happened.
2016-09-08 11:18:05 UTC
The truth is, nobody knows.

It all adds up to Theories really.
2016-09-03 10:38:11 UTC
One believes that a god came from nothing and created life from the inanimate but if one removes the intellect from this belief they suddenly loose theirs. You figure it out.
2016-09-04 23:45:19 UTC
the thing is that's JUST A THEORY as they say's not a SCIENTIFIC theory. do something useful, kid!!
2016-09-05 14:35:13 UTC
Nope. and thats without even looking.

10 billion people over the last 20,000 years have been asking that question.

Guess what ?.
2016-09-05 05:34:56 UTC
People have debated this **** for over 2,000 years.

I haven't even read your "theory" and I can quite happily say "no".
2016-09-03 10:39:45 UTC
Does my theory prove


You do not know the meaning of theory or proof....I am guessing
2016-09-04 19:17:42 UTC
You cant scientifically prove that there is a Creator. That will oppose the idea of faith. We live by faith and not by sight.
2016-09-04 06:41:59 UTC

there ever existed something.

first all matter, all energy was concentrated on one point.

2016-09-06 00:34:30 UTC
2016-09-07 20:34:09 UTC
Actually evolution does in a way but faith requires no proof.
Black Feminist
2016-09-06 11:36:39 UTC
You're not too bright, are you? We don't know, so God did it. Idiot!
2016-09-05 15:09:48 UTC
I'll think about that
Sofa King Good
2016-09-07 13:56:18 UTC
Your starting premis is unprovable
2016-09-07 15:10:59 UTC
Harambe > god. Notice the small g.
2016-09-05 17:45:17 UTC
How do we know you exist...maybe you are a robot?
2016-09-05 20:26:08 UTC
It does not matter how we got here evolution or creation. we are here deal with it.
2016-09-05 12:51:51 UTC
No no it doesn't
Replay Myday
2016-09-07 11:58:28 UTC
Nothing can't create nothing :)
2016-09-05 19:05:22 UTC
no it doesn't. its just that you have skipped physics class :D
2016-09-05 16:20:29 UTC
Ask someone who died before yes .
2016-09-03 10:37:14 UTC
"To surrender to ignorance and call it God has always been premature, and it remains premature today." — Isaac Asimov
Fun Time
2016-09-08 16:58:31 UTC
Some what I suppose
2016-09-04 02:27:36 UTC
then who/what created ur god man ?
🤔 Jay
2016-09-03 10:28:16 UTC
You are obviously up past you bedtime.....
2016-09-04 08:40:07 UTC
2016-09-07 11:22:20 UTC
2016-09-04 18:04:14 UTC
2016-09-05 15:51:32 UTC
nothing does
2016-09-07 04:30:34 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.