Your flaw is your mathematics and your understanding of the laws of relativitiy...
Let's slow everything down to a realistic basis for a moment. If a train were traveling at 35 mph, and you were (some how able to be) standing atop of the train, and you fire a bullet....
Lets stop there...
We have to have a fundamental speed at which said bullet were able to travel from the barrell into open air. Each gun, bullet, and caliber each will have its own velocity upon being expulsed from the barrell, so we will give our gun's bullet a speed of... eh.. a hundred miles an hour.
back to atop of the train, hurtling through the contry side at 35 mph. If I were to fire a bullet towards the front of the train, in the direction of travel, the bullet would be traveling at 100 mph. if the train were to be traveling at 55 mph, the bullet would be traveling at 100 mph... the RELATIVITY here, is when YOU view the bullet... (if it were possible to do so) you would see the bullet travelling MUCH SLOWER than 100 mph. This is due to the fact that you are traveling with the bullet, albeit at a slower pace...
Make it easier to understand... If you are atop of a train traveling north at 99 mph, and you shoot a gun in the direction the train is travelling, the bullet will leave the gun at the speed of 100 mph... however, due to the fact you are traveling with the bullet, one mile per hour less than the bullet, the bullet will leave the gun at a much slower pace, and you should in fact be able to watch the bullet, slowly pull away from you, one mile per hour. Every hour, the bullet will be one mile more away from your location.
Here's another consequence of relativity...
The earth is constantly spinning. Yet you are sitting at your computer reading this message. As the earth rotates, it is also in orbit around the sun.
Your movement if I'm:
STANDING NEXT TO YOU: 0 miles per hour
OF THE EARTH WATCHING YOU: 1000 miles per hour
it's all relative