Einstein knew from the Maxwell Equations and experiments to determine the speed of light that it was the same for all observers regardless of the motion of the observer. How is that possible?
We start with the Train and pitcher thought experiment.
You are standing on the ground next to a train track. A train going 100 km/hr is going past. On a flat car is a baseball pitcher that you know can throw 195 km/hr fastballs throwing toward toward you. You have a radar gun so you can measure the speed of the baseballs.
What speed would you measure if the train was coming toward you? (100 + 195 = 295 km/hr )
What speed would you measure if the train was going away from you? (195 - 100 = 95km/hr)
Now we start Special Relativity:
Toward the end of the 1800s scientists measured the speed of light compared with the speed of the earth in orbit. They expected that knowing the speed of the earth going toward the source of light the velocities would add and that when going away from the source of light the velocities would subtract. BUT that is not what happened. It did not matter if they were moving toward the source or away from the source, they got the same value: roughly 3 * 10^8 m/s. VERY STRANGE! They were sure something was wrong. It was not possible, based on their assumption that Time and Space were absolute (unchanging) for that to be true.
Einstein's insight: He thought,"What if the speed of light IS absolute and Time and Space could change to make that true? What does that do to everything else? He worked it out for all the physical quantities. It works! What you get is consistent with what we observe in experiments.
This site will let you play with what happens at near light speed
Aether was proposed to provide a medium to propagate electromagnetic radiation. It works well for that. The problem is that for every thing else, it does not work. The physical properties required make no sense. Lorentz developed what we now call the Lorentz Transform to calculate the motion of the aether relative to another Frame of Reference to explain the observed fact that the speed of light is constant for all observers. That means the aether with the photons moves relative to the observer. Now comes the problem: For the aether to do what it does it must have a Modulus of Elasticity greater than steel. Think of standing in a river of very fast flowing water, it explains perfectly the motion of the small floating twigs (photons) moving past you, but why don't you feel the motion of the water (aether)?
This is why Special Relativity replaced Aether. Einstein re-derived the Lorentz Transform showing that it worked just as well if you assumed that space-time (Einstein's Great Insight) could expand and contract based on the relative motion of observers. Einstein resolved the above paradox, so SR replaced aether.