For sure our bodies are made up of energy. After death, where does all that energy go? Energy has to go somewhere cause it sure doesn't just vanish! I believe it's that energy that composes our soul. Others here may believe it just gets scattered all over the place. It's a matter of what the individual's belief is. Some think it goes to God, some think we keep our bodies but in spirit form, some think it somehow joins a collective pool of "soul energy", some think the "underdeveloped soul" comes back to earth to learn more things and grow in wisdom and experience, some make no conclusions. Some need proof for everything because their brain can't comprehend anything besides what they can see with their eyes and prove with their eyes, even though they know very well that they are only using 7% of their brains or less. Pretty limited in my opinion. Hope this helps.
Oh, and there has been some research done with "weighin the soul", it may be what the guy above was talking about. Check it out.
As far as all this science talk, if you want to prove something, how about proving that you're really scientists. Who says you are?
Most physicists don't believe in imaginary numbers, they assume that the speed of light is the maximum velocity at which matter can travel. I believe there actually exists negative space and time and that it has to do with magnetism and magnoelectric radiation (Dr. Tiller's theory). That would also explain negative entropy which is displayed in all living systems.
Just look back in time and see how often "scientists" were wrong. Do you really think it's any different today. Then again, everyone is entitled to their opinion.