2008-09-15 17:08:10 UTC
All that out of the way, we have two likely scenarios to justify our existence; and by "our" I do mean anything at all, not simply human organisms. (If I am missing a third/more alternative/s, by all means, speak up, that is what I'm hoping for.)
First that things have always existed. Everything/anything at all has always been, forever, eternally back in time, or sideways, or around, or through time-dilation and interwoven amidst however many multiple dimensions you scientists may plan to teach me about in regard to how things couldn't have always existed since always implies a temporal timeline which may not be representative of reality as it truly is...bla bla. Either way, in some "time" or some variation of perpetuation of substance through space, things are, and this scenario tells us that that has simply always been the case.
In this first scenario, God may or may not exist as far as we currently have proven, and may or may not be the Christian or Muslim or Wiccan version/s thereof, or may be this higgs-boson vacuum fluctuation rendering energy into matter. The question is, if this is the case, how can cause and effect break down to yield an effect, namely that we exist, in the absence of a cause, namely a beginning to the universe; ie, a big bang or a let there be light, or a series of big bangs over x amount of years which, when traced back, expose us to no initial moment or cause?
The second scenario is equally incomprehensible, and that is quite obviously, the creation of the universe from nothingness. Whether you want to say there is no God, and that the big bang started everything or whether you want to say God set off the big bang or God did it in 168 hours over the course of a week, or whatever you want to say, bare nothing still had to create something. In this scenario, God didn't exist at some point or at some time, but then created him/itself out of the apparently somehow "existing" nothingness, or from the non-existing nothingness! And then the question is, how would something like that be accomplished?
If, finally, your answer to this is along the lines of "Nobody can answer these age old questions, and you are just rewording debates man has been having for thousands of years and no one will ever with a finite human mind be able to determine how existence initially came into being, or for that matter whether it will remain in existence ad infinitum," then isn't it easier to assume that such miraculous realities such as our being alive today are the result of some higher order of being, or if not being, than of a higher order which is able to function outside of, and irrespective of the laws of physics since bare nothing instantiating matter/energy without having any to initially work with defies about every law of physics we have? God, whatever that is, seems to be the most scientific and logical explanation doesn't it?