Can you imagine how the universe is right now? Well maybe so and maybe not. But surely it is a certain way right now, right? Well maybe yes and maybe no. What?! Well maybe its not a certain way "right now"! Maybe its "relative" not "absolute"! That's the amazing thing.
Einstein realized that the idea of "right now" was only an idea and when you tried to make an experiment to see how things "really are" "right now" "everywhere" that you just can't do it. You can see how things "really are" "right here". But not "out there". You are forced to do a calculation. Why?
Well Einstein realized that no one can "see" the universe except from some one place where they are standing. He realized that you can't actually see things you can only see light, and it takes time for light to move to get to you so you can't really see how things "are" only how they "were" a while ago.
But how long ago? Well you have to see what you see first. Then you measure how far away things are. Then you use a formula that is called Distance=Rate*Time to find out the time the light started out.
But to do that calculation you need to know the "speed of light" (the rate that light travels... how fast it goes.) If it goes really fast then what you see happened just a short time ago because if it goes fast then it won't take long for the light to get to you.
But if it goes really slow then it will take a long time to get to you and by the time it does you will say: "Well sure I can see it but that light is soooo old that I know what I see happened a looong time ago. It took that light eons to reach me!"
So how do you know how fast light goes? Well usually things go at different speeds depending how fast you go! For example if you are in a boat looking at your mother she isn't moving but if your sister is outside, on the shore, watching her in the boat she moves as fast as the boat does! You will say "She is not moving". Your sister will say "Yes she is". So who is right? The answer is that the both you and she are both right! The speed of your mother "relative" to you is zero and "relative" to your sister its as fast as the boat! There is no one right "absolute" answer. Her speed is "relative to the observer".
Basically scientists thought we were like a boat on a lake and that light was like waves in the water. They were trying to find out how fast our boat was moving in the water relative to the waves so they could calculate how fast the light would go relative to us. Once they knew what speed light went, then they could tell when things really happened "out there" based on how long the light coming from them took to get to us.
The funny thing was that whenever they tried to measure the speed of the earth-boat in the light water ... well... they got zero over and over. No motion! No matter how it seemed we were going around the sun! How could we be stopped always! How could light only have one speed.
Its like your sister is on the shore saying your mother, who is in the boat with you, is going as fast as a boat. Then you look at your mom, who is in the boat with you and she is going away from you as fast as a boat! That's crazy!
No matter which way the earth boat was going if you looked at a light wave it seemed it was traveling at the same speed. This was really weird because if you were in a fast boat the wave seemed to be getting ahead of you at the same speed as a slow one. Scientists were very confused.
(Also there was a man working on electricity and magnets and he had these calculations that said light should only have one speed because he thought light was a type of electric and magnetic wave and his calculations always calculated the same number for the speed of light!)
Well Einstein said "Fine, ok, everyone is saying that light only has one speed relative to everyone, it seems that no matter how you move your standing still relative to the water that light travels in. I know its crazy (actually he said "apparently contradictory" but.. well he was Einstein... you can't expect him to uses words like crazy) So he said: "I know it's crazy but what happens if I just think that way anyway!" And he did.
And then HE did some calculations and that's when the fun started. He found out for example that if you think that crazy, excuse me... that "apparently contradictory" way.... then things that everyone thought were true just couldn't be.
What things? Well like there is such a thing as how far away the sun is. Or that there is such a thing as the way things are right now!
He found out two main things: If the speed of light is the same for different people moving different ways then they must see time and distances differently. He found out that time and space were "relative" just like the speed of the boat was. The speed of light is not relative! And the only way that can be true is if time and space themselves are relative! Relative means it depends on how fast you are going when you measure it.
Here is some of the weird things that happened when he thought that way for a while....
Did you know that the sun is only four inches away! YES ITS TRUE! If you travel really fast towards the sun the distance shrinks! But for me it will still be a long way away! You see the distance isn't a certain number! It depends on how you are moving when you measure it. It is "relative" to you! It is not absolute! There is no absolute answer only a relative one! Wow! Get in a space ship boat and head for the sun really fast and just when you pass earth you say... "Wow its only four inches to the sun!" But poor me on the ground, I say "Your crazy its ninety three million miles" How can we both be right? Its like you in the boat and your sister on the shore... It's relative! If light's speed is not relative then time and space must be!
Also he found out that "time was relative" meaning that if your mom left in a spaceship and went fast enough outward and back that she might arrive back here and BE YOUNGER THAN YOU!
WOW! What a theory! Time is not what we thought. Space is not what we thought. Other things he found out was that E=MC^2 but that is another story.
So is it weird or what! He was an incredible genius and you know what. He was a nice man too and he didn't stop there!
He also found out that it just might be true that if you go up in any direction from the earth far enough you may end up back here! That's right. The earth may be to the right of you, to the left of you, up, down, in front of you and in back, and all other ways too. He found that space may be ROUND!!!!
Just like if you were an ant at the north pole and you walked far enough you would end up back at the pole. But if you walked to your right far enough, or went backward same thing. Amazing no?
Anyway, how do you tell time? Answer: You look at your watch! See you already know there is a connection between light and time. Now you just have to really think about that connection and you'll know relativity. Good luck with your study and I hope you try to really understand it and not just believe everybody that its that way. You have to thing very, very carefully. Good luck!