See the attached link,
Scroll down to the fourth photo showing a stacked Nand RTL circuit.
The saturation current of the transistors are typically about 0.3V, which means that if you stack two transistors in series as shown in the link photo, the series voltage is about 0.6V, which is at the Vbe turnon voltage. So if you stack three transistors, the saturation would be 1.8V or so, and the transistors could not turn on.
A solution to this problem is shown by adding diodes to the inputs shown in the second link, but this is diode transistor logic DTL, not RTL.
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The problem with this NAND circuit stems from the fact that transistors are not ideal devices. Remember that 0.3 volt collector saturation voltage? Ideally it should be zero. Since it isn't, we need to look at what happens when we "stack" transistors this way. With two, the combined collector saturation voltage is 0.6 volt -- only slightly less than the 0.65 volt base voltage that will turn a transistor on.
If we stack three transistors for a 3-input NAND gate, the combined collector saturation voltage is 0.9 volt. This is too high; it will promote conduction in the next transistor no matter what. In addition, the load presented by the upper transistor to the gate that drives it will be different from the load presented by the lower transistor. This kind of unevenness can cause some odd problems to appear, especially as the frequency of operation increases. Because of these problems, this approach is not used in standard RTL ICs.
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