And what, pray tell, is an expensive classical guitar to you?
I've got a fairly nice classical, which I paid $1200 for. It's not a professional level instrument, but it's nice. It has wonderful intonation.
I've played much less expensive classical guitars that have fairly good intonation as well.
You're doing a lot of whining, but how much do you know about our modern 12-tone equal tempered tuning system? It sucks. It's very problematic, especially on instruments like the guitar.
Ever seen anything like this:
No? Then shut up. There are tons of shortcomings with equal tempered tuning, if you can't hear them, then your claim that "every classical guitar has a sharp G at the 12th fret" just goes out the window. Your ear clearly isn't that well developed yet, otherwise you'd be upset about how bad major 3rds sound.